Use Cases Equipment & Machinery Water Utility Management

Water Utility Management

Water utility management systems monitor and collect data on the infrastructure used to store and deliver water to improve the efficiency of water delivery to customers. Aging infrastructure means that the vast majority of the reticulation network that delivers water to customers have been invisible to the utility company. By placing IoT sensors on water utility infrastructure, the utility operator can collect data on the water flowing between the different points to detect leakages, shortages, quality levels, and consumption levels. Sensors can also assess the condition of infrastructure to enable preventative and Predictive Maintenance.
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Improve Turlock's Water Communication Module
Improve Turlock's Water Communication Module
The City of Turlock has a population of more than 70,000 across a 17-square-mile service territory. The City of Turlock recognized changing water conditions and the need to take action to address impacts from California's drought to ensure future availability of water for residents. The city was interested in automating its meter reading and leak detection processes in support of conservation measures.
Monaco’s sanitation department uses alarm software to monitor its water treatment facilities. With connections to the waste water networks, the main lifting stations, three storm overflows, a storm tank, as well as waste water pre-treatment and final treatment operations, the department can rest assured that they know exactly what is – and what is not – being put back into the ocean on a regular basis.
Mobile – Based Solution To Integrate Disparate IoT Devices
Mobile – Based Solution To Integrate Disparate IoT Devices
The quality of water is assessed against several parameters (around16+) using numerous sensors placed at the respective locations. The information generated by the sensors is in a form incomprehensible to humans (in bits and bytes). The staff that monitor water quality had to visit the location physically to check the parameters. This consumed a lot of time. One person is responsible for monitoring water quality at multiple locations. Most of the times, all the parameters will be within their thresholds. Only when the parameters go out of thresholds, the responsible person need to act upon it. So, ideally, an application should monitor water parameters at fixed intervals and give appropriate alarms to the responsible person, only when some parameters need attention. There were multiple types of instruments and different versions of the same type of instrument placed at several locations to check the quality of water. All these devices generated a huge quantity of data. The customer required an application that integrated all their IoT devices and provided reports, analytics and insights from a central depository.

The water quality monitoring market is expected to be valued at USD 4.69 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 4.54% between 2016 and 2025.

Source: Markets and Markets

What is the business value of this IoT use case and how is it measured?
Your Answer

What is the business value of Water Quality and Leakage Monitoring?

- Extra revenues through cost savings: water management costs can be  reduced by real-time monitoring of all operations (including leaks, pressure sensors, and IoT software analytics), consequently resulting in optimized asset utilization, improved operational processes, energy costs savings, minimized human intervention, lower maintenance costs, and lower infrastructure costs

- Productivity increase: IoT allows real-time control for smarter business decisions, reduced operating costs, optimized processes and resources, and service time reduction

- Increased efficiency: water management companies and associations can use real-time operational control to make smarter business decisions and reduce operating costs

- Improved operational process control and monitoring

-Optimized and transparent asset utilization: smart meters, sensors, and connectivity significantly improve tracking of all assets, providing real-time visibility into the supply chain

- Optimized and transparent asset utilization: by using sensors and connectivity, water companies significantly improve tracking of all their assets, gaining real-time visibility into their supply chains

- Real-time knowledge of water usage statistics and analytics for smarter and faster decisions: IoT analytics can eliminate data irregularities and provide a real-time view on unbilled water statistics or any relevant statistic needed in the decision making process.

- Minimal maintenance costs while improving safety and reliability of network operations: being able to the locate all assets, to do real-time monitoring and to control and run preventive maintenance on critical pieces of infrastructure and machinery, water companies significantly reduce maintenance costs and minimize response time.


What data is obtained by the system and what are the critical data management decision points?
Your Answer

Why is important the real-time data analytics in a water management system?

An IoT based water management system leverages the power of real-time data analytics to:

- Respond and avoid emergencies efficiently

- Recapture revenue

- Lower energy costs

- Reduce emergency repair scenarios

-Detect and manage water loss

- Predict potential pipe failures

- Manage water pressure

- Better allocate maintenance and repair costs


IoTONE official
Adaptive Wireless Solutions
Erik Walenza-Slabe
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