Use Cases Remote Collaboration

Remote Collaboration

Remote collaboration solutions eliminate geographic limitations to enable people to communicate and exchange information in real time regardless of their location. In the industrial context, remote collaboration usually involves a mix of people and assets, for example, a site engineer communicating remotely with an expert in order to install or maintain a machine. Remote collaboration can be as simple as the use of a communications application on a mobile device. However, systems often involve interactive audio, visual, and text communication via Augmented Reality headsets or other wearable devices. Remote collaboration is also conducted between humans and robots to perform surgeries or other delicate operations that require human guidance when the operator cannot be on site. Some factories are experimenting with black-out production, where robots collaborate effectively on their own and only ask for human intervention when needed by sending an alert to the supervisor. The supervisor can then log into the system to diagnose and recommended actions to the robots, collaborating remotely with them.
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