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Barcelona Case Study - Worldsensing Industrial IoT Case Study
Barcelona Case Study
Barcelona’s heavy traffic and its associated high levels of pollution were the primary factors that motivated some companies and universities to work on strategies for improving traffic in the city centre. Bitcarrier is one of the technologies involved in the In4Mo Project, whose main objective is to develop the applications that form the core of smart mobility, one of the fundamental pillars of the smart city concept.
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Bridge monitoring in Hamburg Port - Worldsensing Industrial IoT Case Study
Bridge monitoring in Hamburg Port
Kattwyk Bridge is used for both rail and road transport, and it has played an important role in the Port of Hamburg since 1973. However, the increasing pressure from traffic requires a monitoring solution. The goal of the project is to assess in real-time the bridge's status and dynamic responses to traffic and lift processes.
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Reservoir monitoring in Hontomin - Worldsensing Industrial IoT Case Study
Reservoir monitoring in Hontomin
The Spanish Government has launched a CO2 Capture and Storage Program in Hontoman with the aim of developing this technology. This programme's approach is based on the fact that CO2 capture and storage could be an essential part of the solution to achieve substantial global CO2 emission reductions.
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