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Compression Facility Industrial Asset Monitoring Solution - Veros Systems Industrial IoT Case Study
Compression Facility Industrial Asset Monitoring Solution
After spending millions on an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) infrastructure, including CO2, compressors, pipelines, injection wellheads, and fluid separators, Chaparral began to see its long-term investment pay off as oil production increased. However, when a CO2 compressor fails, CO2 volumes to the pipeline plummet by 50% or more. The operator needed predictive intelligence to prevent such an event.
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Planned Maintenance for Power Generating Company - Veros Systems Industrial IoT Case Study
Planned Maintenance for Power Generating Company
Having no unplanned outages in multi-unit power plants throughout the late spring, the summer and the early fall months is challenging in the hot Texas weather. An unplanned outage during these months could mean having to purchase replacement power at spot market prices, which could be spiking during the outage. Knowing when and for how long to overload the equipment in power plants is a significant part of operating strategy. Operators need accurate estimates of motor driven pump and fan loading levels to determine operating limits.
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