Supplier SloganLiberating Industrial EngineersEMBEDDED SOFTWARE & IOT HARDWARE DEVELOPMENT
HQ LocationUnited StatesItalyBrazilUnited KingdomGermanyBelarus
Year Founded201520152015201520182015
Company TypePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue< $10m< $10m< $10m< $10m< $10m< $10m
Employees11 - 5011 - 50< 1051 - 200< 1011 - 50
Website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website
Company Description
Swim provides edge-based software that executes real-time analytics and Machine Learning for enterprises, equipment manufacturers, smart-cities, and IOT/IIOT businesses. Its software locally processes and analyzes massive volumes of streaming data from devices/sensors/equipment where it is created, reducing network volumes, and generating real-time machine-learning business insights. Swim deploys its software at the edge to transform data into insights in real-time, and delivers them to businesses, staff, operators, and customers. Its software is a "plug and play" solution for existing equipment and Brownfield environments. Chris Sachs, Rao Arimilli, and Rusty Cumpston founded Swim in February 2015. Its headquarters is in San Jose in California.
SMARTHESIA is a young creative dynamic company backed by many years of experience and success in the field of Information Technology and Software development on Cloud Platform. Founded in 2015, by a «core» team composed of expert professionals coming only from ICT market of International Corporates. Thanks to a strong background in IT, the expertise in the development and management of products and complex solutions for large international companies, and the continuous adoption of new technologies, SMARTHESIA fits into the Italian market IoT with services, products and innovative solutions.
Konker Connected Solutions helps you to build and operate your IOT solution in a fast and simple way. We also have customize IoT solutions to your business.With our team of specialists and integrators, we help you throughout the solution development process. Konker platform was developed by experts in efficiency and opensource technology. An enterprise grade platform, end-to-end, scalable and non complex.

We believe that in order to deliver on the promises of Industry 4.0, industrial firms need to be able to seamlessly connect, integrate, secure and drive business value in real-time. They need to be able to create better outcomes based on ALL of their data – regardless of time or location. We refer to this as Systemic Asset Intelligence.

WORKERBASE is a platform to optimize manual work in Industry4.0. It has been created after 18 months of research at the global R&D unit of a large conglomerate company active in the fields of industry, energy and infrastructure solutions. We have spent many days in factories talking to managers and workers and observing how work is performed today. We have identified several areas in which manual work processes could be improved and bundled our research results into the WORKERBASE platform. Our founding team has a combined experience of more than 30 years in IT, manufacturing, mobile and product development. Modern software architecture Our services run on a modern event-based software architecture that allows for integration of any existing system. Hardware and Software Platform We do not stop at the software level but go the last mile to deliver and end-to-end platform that is optimized for your needs. Strong industry background Our team brings a wealth of combined IT and manufacturing experience to craft state-of-the-art solutions for manufacturing problems. Optimize before you automate Instead of jumping directly to a total automation scenario you can easily harvest existing benefits using our platform. Using Wearables to get work done When equipped with the right software stack, wearable devices offer a strong unique interaction platform for the worker.

Technoton Engineering is a company specialized in Embedded Software and IoT hardware development for vehicle Telematics, industrial automation, Internet of Things (IoT) fields. As a custom development service provider, we implement unique IoT technologies, offer our clients solutions for Smart Meters, sensors and IoT device development.

Competencies and experience of our team include an end-to-end process of IoT product development - from an idea and SoW analysis to PoC and mass production launch with technological equipment development.

IoT Solutions
DataFabric has been proven to deliver real-time insights on streaming data across numerous distributed environments. From the data, it automatically creates a live graph of stateful objects (or digital twins) to represent real-world data sources, such as sensors, devices, and systems. The DataFabric then dynamically interlinks these objects to maintain concurrency through a secure mesh of connections. As real-time data is generated, these objects process, analyze, react to, and predict to make insights available across the DataFabric and externally through API’s.
To ensure greater efficiency in your business, it is essential to monitor its operation from the preparation of raw materials to the delivery of the final product. With better monitoring, it is possible to minimize anomalies, increase productivity and industrial capacity to improve results. Konker´s platform integrates and allows viewing, in real time, of all assets that are part of the production process. Important alerts — for example, related to inadequate performance of an equipment — will allow you to understand the availability and idleness of machines, making it easier to view and adjust automatically and immediately what needs to improve.

We have assembled a cloud-native, open-source architecture that is purpose-built to accommodate complex industrial environments. This industrial-grade architecture can adapt to any variety, velocity or volume of data and can be deployed anywhere the engineer needs access to advanced analytics.

Increase workforce efficiency using wearables WORKERBASE has created an End-to-End platform for creating apps that solve business problems in manufacturing. Using our system you can update your legacy processes and realize immediate returns on your investment The WORKERBASE platforms includes a Smartwatch specifically made for industrial settings and a lightweight Industry 4.0 Software platform. The platform is open by design and allows to integrate existing business systems and a range of hardware devices. As such, ur platform is not limited to the use of smartwatches but can also integrate e.g. tablets or existing MDE devices. WORKERBASE breaks down the complex problems in manufacturing and logistics into small standalone apps that work on our wearable devices.
Key Customers

Rolls Royce, Lloyd's Register, Bahrain Fiberglass (BFG)

Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
TechnologiesAnalytics & ModelingPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingFunctional ApplicationsPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Platform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingAnalytics & ModelingPlatform as a Service (PaaS)WearablesAnalytics & ModelingFunctional ApplicationsPlatform as a Service (PaaS)
IndustriesAgricultureRetailAerospaceMarine & ShippingOil & GasUtilitiesAutomotiveOil & Gas
Use CasesOccupancy MonitoringPerimeter Security & Access ControlSmart ParkingFleet ManagementTrack & Trace of AssetsPredictive MaintenanceRemote Asset ManagementVehicle Telematics
FunctionsDiscrete ManufacturingMaintenanceQuality AssuranceProduct Research & Development
ServicesTrainingCloud Planning, Design & Implementation ServicesHardware Design & Engineering ServicesSoftware Design & Engineering Services

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Platform as a Service (PaaS)MinorMinorStrongMinorMinorStrong
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneNone
Analytics & ModelingMinorMinorMinorModerateMinorModerate
Functional ApplicationsNoneMinorNoneNoneNoneMinor
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Networks & ConnectivityNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Automation & ControlNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone

Similar Suppliers
Similar Suppliers

PartnersMicrosoft AzureIntelSTMicroelectronicsTexas InstrumentsSIMCom Wireless SolutionsQualcommNXP SemiconductorsIBM WatsonMicrosoft AzureAmazon Web ServicesBosch

Supplier SloganLiberating Industrial EngineersEMBEDDED SOFTWARE & IOT HARDWARE DEVELOPMENT
HQ LocationUnited StatesItalyBrazilUnited KingdomGermanyBelarus
Year Founded201520152015201520182015
Company TypePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue< $10m< $10m< $10m< $10m< $10m< $10m
Employees11 - 5011 - 50< 1051 - 200< 1011 - 50
Website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website
Company Description
Swim provides edge-based software that executes real-time analytics and Machine Learning for enterprises, equipment manufacturers, smart-cities, and IOT/IIOT businesses. Its software locally processes and analyzes massive volumes of streaming data from devices/sensors/equipment where it is created, reducing network volumes, and generating real-time machine-learning business insights. Swim deploys its software at the edge to transform data into insights in real-time, and delivers them to businesses, staff, operators, and customers. Its software is a "plug and play" solution for existing equipment and Brownfield environments. Chris Sachs, Rao Arimilli, and Rusty Cumpston founded Swim in February 2015. Its headquarters is in San Jose in California.
SMARTHESIA is a young creative dynamic company backed by many years of experience and success in the field of Information Technology and Software development on Cloud Platform. Founded in 2015, by a «core» team composed of expert professionals coming only from ICT market of International Corporates. Thanks to a strong background in IT, the expertise in the development and management of products and complex solutions for large international companies, and the continuous adoption of new technologies, SMARTHESIA fits into the Italian market IoT with services, products and innovative solutions.
Konker Connected Solutions helps you to build and operate your IOT solution in a fast and simple way. We also have customize IoT solutions to your business.With our team of specialists and integrators, we help you throughout the solution development process. Konker platform was developed by experts in efficiency and opensource technology. An enterprise grade platform, end-to-end, scalable and non complex.

We believe that in order to deliver on the promises of Industry 4.0, industrial firms need to be able to seamlessly connect, integrate, secure and drive business value in real-time. They need to be able to create better outcomes based on ALL of their data – regardless of time or location. We refer to this as Systemic Asset Intelligence.

WORKERBASE is a platform to optimize manual work in Industry4.0. It has been created after 18 months of research at the global R&D unit of a large conglomerate company active in the fields of industry, energy and infrastructure solutions. We have spent many days in factories talking to managers and workers and observing how work is performed today. We have identified several areas in which manual work processes could be improved and bundled our research results into the WORKERBASE platform. Our founding team has a combined experience of more than 30 years in IT, manufacturing, mobile and product development. Modern software architecture Our services run on a modern event-based software architecture that allows for integration of any existing system. Hardware and Software Platform We do not stop at the software level but go the last mile to deliver and end-to-end platform that is optimized for your needs. Strong industry background Our team brings a wealth of combined IT and manufacturing experience to craft state-of-the-art solutions for manufacturing problems. Optimize before you automate Instead of jumping directly to a total automation scenario you can easily harvest existing benefits using our platform. Using Wearables to get work done When equipped with the right software stack, wearable devices offer a strong unique interaction platform for the worker.

Technoton Engineering is a company specialized in Embedded Software and IoT hardware development for vehicle Telematics, industrial automation, Internet of Things (IoT) fields. As a custom development service provider, we implement unique IoT technologies, offer our clients solutions for Smart Meters, sensors and IoT device development.

Competencies and experience of our team include an end-to-end process of IoT product development - from an idea and SoW analysis to PoC and mass production launch with technological equipment development.

IoT Solutions
DataFabric has been proven to deliver real-time insights on streaming data across numerous distributed environments. From the data, it automatically creates a live graph of stateful objects (or digital twins) to represent real-world data sources, such as sensors, devices, and systems. The DataFabric then dynamically interlinks these objects to maintain concurrency through a secure mesh of connections. As real-time data is generated, these objects process, analyze, react to, and predict to make insights available across the DataFabric and externally through API’s.
To ensure greater efficiency in your business, it is essential to monitor its operation from the preparation of raw materials to the delivery of the final product. With better monitoring, it is possible to minimize anomalies, increase productivity and industrial capacity to improve results. Konker´s platform integrates and allows viewing, in real time, of all assets that are part of the production process. Important alerts — for example, related to inadequate performance of an equipment — will allow you to understand the availability and idleness of machines, making it easier to view and adjust automatically and immediately what needs to improve.

We have assembled a cloud-native, open-source architecture that is purpose-built to accommodate complex industrial environments. This industrial-grade architecture can adapt to any variety, velocity or volume of data and can be deployed anywhere the engineer needs access to advanced analytics.

Increase workforce efficiency using wearables WORKERBASE has created an End-to-End platform for creating apps that solve business problems in manufacturing. Using our system you can update your legacy processes and realize immediate returns on your investment The WORKERBASE platforms includes a Smartwatch specifically made for industrial settings and a lightweight Industry 4.0 Software platform. The platform is open by design and allows to integrate existing business systems and a range of hardware devices. As such, ur platform is not limited to the use of smartwatches but can also integrate e.g. tablets or existing MDE devices. WORKERBASE breaks down the complex problems in manufacturing and logistics into small standalone apps that work on our wearable devices.
Key Customers

Rolls Royce, Lloyd's Register, Bahrain Fiberglass (BFG)

Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
TechnologiesAnalytics & ModelingPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingFunctional ApplicationsPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Platform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & MiddlewarePlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingAnalytics & ModelingPlatform as a Service (PaaS)WearablesAnalytics & ModelingFunctional ApplicationsPlatform as a Service (PaaS)
IndustriesAgricultureRetailAerospaceMarine & ShippingOil & GasUtilitiesAutomotiveOil & Gas
Use CasesOccupancy MonitoringPerimeter Security & Access ControlSmart ParkingFleet ManagementTrack & Trace of AssetsPredictive MaintenanceRemote Asset ManagementVehicle Telematics
FunctionsDiscrete ManufacturingMaintenanceQuality AssuranceProduct Research & Development
ServicesTrainingCloud Planning, Design & Implementation ServicesHardware Design & Engineering ServicesSoftware Design & Engineering Services

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)NoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Platform as a Service (PaaS)MinorMinorStrongMinorMinorStrong
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneNone
Analytics & ModelingMinorMinorMinorModerateMinorModerate
Functional ApplicationsNoneMinorNoneNoneNoneMinor
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Networks & ConnectivityNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Automation & ControlNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone

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