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Global Play Network: A Robust, App-Based Entertainment Platform - Solution Analysts Industrial IoT Case Study
Global Play Network: A Robust, App-Based Entertainment Platform
Global Play Network, an entertainment platform, aimed to provide its members with a single platform to perform various physical and social activities. The platform was designed to promote physical activities for fun and entertainment for all ages. The client wished to build a robust, app-based entertainment platform for members. The platform was to allow users to check-in at a listed number of locations using a Unique Code or Ticket. Users could also get pricing benefits for selected locations after purchasing a membership. The platform was also to enable users or members to buy Gift Cards from local or online stores that help them earn Global Play Cash in the application. This Global Play Cash was to be shareable with friends using emails or phone numbers. The platform was to have four different interfaces - Mobile Application for End-users, Web-based Panel for Partner, Web-based Panel for Admin, and Web-based Self Checkout (Station). The challenges included managing payment flow using stripe, including crons for past failed payments, managing different payment methods, i.e stripe, ACH, Global Play cash, and creating a report module based on different conditions as per client expectation.
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