Suppliers China Kurnup
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Kurnup is a sensor, big data and Artificial Intelligence company for Predictive Maintenance.
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Sensors and Gateways
The sensors and gateways are already connected to our cloud and don't require a power source. No wires are necessary and the batteries last for 5 years.

Kurnup Watch
Once the tags are fixed on the machines, a web platform is made available for monitoring the health and usage of your assets.

Kurnup Notify
The Kurnup tags also come with a mobile app that pushes notifications and important information to prevent unplanned downtime.
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Use Cases
Machine Condition Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance
Kurnup’s Technology Stack maps Kurnup’s participation in the IoT technology stack.
  • Application Layer
  • Functional Applications
  • Cloud Layer
  • Platform as a Service
    Infrastructure as a Service
  • Edge Layer
  • Automation & Control
    Processors & Edge Intelligence
  • Devices Layer
  • Robots
  • Supporting Technologies
  • Analytics & Modeling
    Application Infrastructure & Middleware
    Cybersecurity & Privacy
    Networks & Connectivity
Technological Capability
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Jiangxing ai
Jiangxing ai
江行智能由国际知名科学家、加拿大工程院院士、IEEE Fellow刘江川教授创立于2018年。公司成立伊始即获得红杉资本中国种子基金数千万元的风险投资。
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