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IIC - Edge Intelligence Testbed - Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Industrial IoT Case Study
IIC - Edge Intelligence Testbed
A test environment is needed for algorithms and architectures that meets a common set of requirements for many testbeds (see "Testbed in Depth")GOAL:A test facility that can be configured into complex edge compute environments, in order to further the state-of-the-art in edge analytics and algorithms
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Accelerating Software Development for Large-Scale Real-Time Systems at Mitsubishi Electric’s Kamakura Works - Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Industrial IoT Case Study
Accelerating Software Development for Large-Scale Real-Time Systems at Mitsubishi Electric’s Kamakura Works
Mitsubishi Electric, a leading manufacturer of electrical and electronic equipment, was facing challenges in its software development processes for large-scale real-time systems at its Kamakura Works production hub. The software engineering department was tasked with developing software solutions for complex systems such as satellites and ground control centers. However, these solutions were becoming larger and more complex, and the development lead time was getting shorter. The department was working to refine and systematize its processes for developing various types of software solutions. They were also preparing for a further increase in the speed and scale of future software development. The department aimed to cope with the growing sophistication and speed of software development by promoting automation, flexibly meet the demands of the most complex pipeline projects, and realize a secure on-premises environment that was not connected to the Internet.
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Centralized IT management for Stevanato Group - Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Industrial IoT Case Study
Centralized IT management for Stevanato Group
To have the most robust, secure, and effective IT architecture possible.To achieve the highly available IT infrastructure that Stevanato required, a rigorous networking architecture was combined with an equally strict server architecture in two connected data centers between Padua and Bologna. 
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