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Modbus TCP to HTTP - Chipkin Automation Systems Industrial IoT Case Study
Modbus TCP to HTTP
ABC Company’s site consists of multiple industrial motors, called drives, that are used to bend wire into hangers.  Currently they use a system called File Maker to manually input inventory and job details.  Information such as job started, stopped, maintenance required, wire required, and others are all manually written on log sheets before being inserted into the main File Maker database.  The current process is slow, not in real-time, and allows for mistakes to occur in the data entry.  There are also two site locations, and for the remote site the data needs to be sent to their main site for data logging.The company is currently updating all their drives which will allow them to have all the data points available as Modbus TCP data points.  We have been asked to help the customer integrate the Modbus TCP data automatically from the drives and send it directly to the File Maker system using HTTP requests in real time.NEEDS / REQUIREMENTSA custom Modbus TCP driver to get data from the drives and push various state data and inventory information to File MakerStable hardware and/or software to be installed on both the local and remote site to gather, store, and transmit the dataNeeds to be scalable and efficient
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