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Guides Use Cases Smarter Road Salt Usage

Smarter Road Salt Usage

Published on 05/29/2017 | Use Cases

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Accelerating the Adoption of Industrial Internet of Things.


In parts of the world that experience signi cant ice and snow, public safety depends heavily on salt to keep roads safe. Yet road salt is in the cross-hairs of many government departmental budgets, regulatory bodies, concerned environmental experts and the general public. Agencies responsible for roadway maintenance are asking how they can balance the need for:

•  Safe driving conditions on public roads

•  Managing material costs more effectively

•  Minimizing salt's effects on vehicles, roads and the environment

This paper examines the factors escalating concerns about salt, current and emerging technology solutions, and the steps agencies can take to balance the needs listed above. This paper is based on interviews with key managers at both the city and county level who have decades of experience meeting customer expectations with respect to snow and ice management.


You can read and download the full report here.


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