ShipHawk Case Studies WRS Group Case Study
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WRS Group Case Study

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Healthcare & Hospitals
Logistics & Transportation
Sales & Marketing
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
WRS Group, a manufacturer of 3D models, print products, and promotional materials for health education and health professionals, was facing challenges with shipping rating accuracy and timely quotes due to a lack of automation in its fulfillment process. The company relied on a rate table that was several decades old to determine freight rates based on the dollar value of each order for its customers. The quoting process was completed manually, order by order, sometimes taking up to two days. This resulted in a poor customer experience and loss of business. WRS achieved a slight improvement by using NetSuite’s native real-time dimensional weights feature, but as freight was still negatively impacting profits, it began looking for a complete solution. Additionally, the company was facing a workforce transition with long-term employees retiring and a tight talent pool. The company needed a shipping solution that would help it fulfill a higher volume of orders accurately without requiring more workers.
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WRS Group is a company based in Waco, Texas, that specializes in the manufacture of 3D models, print products, and promotional materials for health education and health professionals. The company operates under three divisions; Health Edco, Childbirth Graphics, and Health Impressions. It also recently acquired a fourth division that specializes in vinyl. Along with its manufacturing and distribution hub in Waco, it also has a distribution center in the UK that ships its products throughout Europe. The company's products are made to order, with each piece of a product being hand-painted and sewn together once an order is placed.
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WRS Group implemented ShipHawk, a solution that allowed the company to achieve a more than 75% improvement in shipping accuracy. ShipHawk's Smart PackingTM and custom rules functionality enabled WRS' customer service and sales staff to instantly do freight quotes on large orders, which previously could take up to two days. The Smart Packing cartonization algorithm automatically determined the correct box based on product dimensions and weights, eliminating the need for the team to figure out which box would fit each custom order. The visibility provided by ShipHawk also allowed WRS to combine orders and cut down on unnecessary shipping costs. Despite hiring remaining a challenge due to labor shortages, the team was able to process orders faster and more efficiently using fewer people.
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WRS Group achieved a more than 75% improvement in shipping accuracy.
The company was able to provide instant, accurate rates and reliable delivery to its customers due to address validation.
The team was able to process orders faster and more efficiently using fewer people.
75% improvement in shipping accuracy
Reduced the need to hire additional employees to keep up with order demand
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