SweetProcess Case Studies Wistar Group's Journey: From Flawed Processes to Saving $87,000 with SweetProcess
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Wistar Group's Journey: From Flawed Processes to Saving $87,000 with SweetProcess

Equipment & Machinery
Facility Management
Inventory Management
Wistar Group, a property management company, and its subsidiary Anequim, a B2B company offering back-office support, were struggling with flawed processes and procedures. The companies were stuck in a perpetual update cycle, leading to wasted time and energy. Employees were not using the correct versions of procedures, and there was no quality instrument to ensure they were always working with the most up-to-date versions. This resulted in mistakes that were either caught late or were in the middle of being made. The company also faced technological hurdles. Initial attempts at systemizing processes through manual control mechanisms and Microsoft Word failed. They tried ISO-9000 written documents, but it required dedicated document control resources. Google Drive improved the situation, but it still didn't ensure everyone was looking at the right information or being made aware of recent updates.
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Wistar Group is a property management company operating in both B2C and B2B spaces, dedicated to the efficient management of maintenance and work tickets. Anequim, a subsidiary of Wistar Group, is a B2B company offering back-office support for other property management companies. Combined, the two companies have 235 employees. Wistar Group aims to triple the size of their company in the next five years, while Anequim is looking to bring on three more services for efficient back-office support, enabling property management companies to make more money the moment they begin using Anequim.
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The company began exploring various software packages, including Process Street, Lucidchart, and SweetProcess. They found SweetProcess to be simpler, affordable, and equipped with all the necessary features. Wistar Group started converting all their processes and procedures over to SweetProcess. As SweetProcess continued implementing new features – teams, workflows, notifications, etc. – the company grew with it. They received proactive responses and saw continuous improvements in the product. After a couple of months of working with SweetProcess, they were perfectly settled in. The company encouraged employees to rely on documented procedures instead of verbal instructions. They designed the best processes and procedures, taught employees what they were supposed to do, and ensured supervisors were using the procedures to ensure employees were doing their work correctly.
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The implementation of SweetProcess has embedded processes and procedures into the DNA of the company. Employees now follow written procedures rather than verbal instructions, improving efficiency and reducing mistakes. When an employee makes a mistake, they can point to a procedure, and the leadership team can improve the procedure. The President of the company, Aspen, is no longer involved in the day-to-day operations of Wistar Group and Anequim. His primary responsibility now is to oversee processes and procedures, couple them with errors and inefficiencies, and find ways inside of the operation that work better, documenting them and integrating them into the daily workflow. This has allowed him to focus on steering the company in the direction he wants it to go.
$87,000 efficiency savings from having processes and procedures
Reduced the cost of not having proper processes and procedures from $100,000 to $13,000 per year
Freed up the President to work on the business rather than in the business
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