Case Studies Why the world’s largest Telco service providers call on Aerospike’s high-performance NoSQL database to improve the customer experience
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Why the world’s largest Telco service providers call on Aerospike’s high-performance NoSQL database to improve the customer experience

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Database Management & Storage
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Storage Services
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Maintenance
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Alcatel-Lucent needed to build a new application to take advantage of structural changes in the dynamics of the industry. With the explosion of smartphones and the growth in data-centric applications, legacy solutions were struggling to keep up. As a result, innovation was suffering and customer satisfaction was declining. A recent survey conducted by an internationally known consulting company supports industry dynamics that are stymying carrier efforts to remain competitive. The proliferation of mobile devices, changing demand as a result of increased customer sophistication, lack of differentiation due to application commoditization, and emerging competitors offering consumers contemporary services were all cited as challenges. Survey participants cited three primary limitations of their billing systems: questionable accuracy due to a variety of dynamic inputs into the application, rigidity resulting in an inability to quickly change plans as user demands shift, and lack of integration with other systems. Among the CSPs who responded, 66% cited billing accuracy as a key challenge because current billing platforms cannot handle the expanding array of new services and devices, and the resulting explosion in the amount of data consumed. 60% said they are concerned with their billing system’s ability to process the volume of data typically generated with digital services. 70% said their billing systems cannot effectively integrate with other key applications.
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Alcatel-Lucent is a global telecommunications equipment company that provides hardware, software, and services to service providers and enterprises. The company is known for its innovative solutions in the telecommunications industry, helping carriers and communications service providers (CSPs) maximize revenue and reduce customer churn. Alcatel-Lucent has a strong focus on developing next-generation applications that cater to the evolving needs of the telecommunications sector. With the explosion of smartphones and the growth in data-centric applications, Alcatel-Lucent aims to provide solutions that can handle large and dynamic data sets in real-time, enabling carriers to offer personalized and relevant services to their customers. The company leverages advanced technologies like Aerospike’s high-performance NoSQL database to build applications that can scale economically and provide real-time insights, thereby enhancing customer experience and driving revenue growth.
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Alcatel-Lucent leveraged Aerospike’s NoSQL database to provide speed at scale underneath a brand new application designed to capitalize on changing dynamics in the Telco ecosystem. According to a TECHzine blog, the following functionality is critical to a carrier’s ongoing success: quickly create and manage differentiated data plans based on real-time information, economically scale with the ebb and flow of new shared data plans and sponsored data promotions, and provide real-time subscriber notifications about data usage. The Alcatel-Lucent solution solves these challenges by leveraging Aerospike’s uniquely capable database to support its new application designed to provide tailored offerings to mobile users. With Aerospike, carriers now benefit from predictable low latency and high throughput, a highly available and reliable, failure-resistant system, cross data center (XDR) support, and flash-based storage to enable fast data center build-outs with dramatic TCO savings. Users evaluated Aerospike competitors including Oracle TimesTen and a homegrown database, which led them to the following conclusions: Oracle TimesTen had scale issues, was expensive, and was hardware intensive further driving up cost. The internal homegrown database was expensive and resource-intensive, hard to maintain, and an inefficient use of internal development talent when a comparable commercial version is available.
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Alcatel-Lucent's new application, built on Aerospike’s NoSQL database, allows carriers to quickly create and manage differentiated data plans based on real-time information.
The solution economically scales with the ebb and flow of new shared data plans and sponsored data promotions, providing real-time subscriber notifications about data usage.
Carriers benefit from predictable low latency and high throughput, ensuring a highly available and reliable, failure-resistant system.
66% of CSPs cited billing accuracy as a key challenge that the new solution addresses.
60% of CSPs were concerned with their billing system’s ability to process the volume of data, which the new application can handle effectively.
70% of CSPs said their billing systems could not effectively integrate with other key applications, a challenge resolved by the new solution.
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