NETSCOUT Case Studies When Only Visibility Without Borders Will Do – Achieving Financial Services IT Project Success
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When Only Visibility Without Borders Will Do – Achieving Financial Services IT Project Success

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Maintenance
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
System Integration
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
The financial services company faced a series of project challenges, some of which coincided with business continuity and service delivery transitions necessitated by the pandemic. The IT projects were critical to sustaining high-quality service delivery to millions of investment clients. The company had developed new, digitally delivered products and services to better serve their clients remotely. These Web-based applications for wealth and asset management required enhanced visibility to support real-time IT monitoring. The company's global business growth led to associated demands on the networks supporting regional operations. The IT teams overseeing these regional projects subscribed to a phased approach to these multi-tier network expansions. The company's data center operations were expanding internationally to meet increased business service delivery requirements, and the IT team knew providing access to network resources closer to the users would reduce latency.
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The financial services company is globally renowned for their history of delivering trusted wealth management services. The company relies on their tens of thousands of financial services experts to provide trusted investment guidance to their institutional and high-value individual investors. For many years, the company’s information technology (IT) operations have relied on NETSCOUT’s smart visibility and vendor-neutral service assurance solutions to help manage a vast data center operations network and financial services footprint.
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The company's preference was to identify a single partner equipped to strategically collaborate with them along the continuum of these initiatives. NETSCOUT offered the smart visibility and real-time, vendor-agnostic monitoring solutions needed to assure the success of each of these projects. The company’s sustained commitment to NETSCOUT’s “smart visibility, smarter analytics” approach involved deployment of the nGeniusONE Service Assurance platform and InfiniStreamNG (ISNG) appliances supporting regional 40G and 100G network speeds as required. The ISNG appliances were deployed across wide-ranging service edges to enhance IT visibility of client edges (remote offices), network edges (for Internet, Co-lo, and WAN), cloud service edges (supporting Web-tier applications), and data center service edges (including on-premises applications, service enablers, firewalls, virtual private networks (VPNs), and load balancers).
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Continual IT transformation project successes capitalized on NETSCOUT® smart visibility and analysis.
Reduced IT silos, improved service delivery consistency.
The synergy between technology transformation project conversions and IT teams’ collective abilities to visualize and monitor these transformed environments have served to make for a highly valued NETSCOUT business partnership for this financial industry leader.
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