Case Studies Westover Companies' Transformation with Entrata PM Software
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Westover Companies' Transformation with Entrata PM Software

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Business Operation
Facility Management
Predictive Maintenance
Remote Asset Management
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Multifamily professionals deal with an array of operations, many of which involve back-end work that residents never see. In a fast-paced, ever-changing environment, Westover was constantly seeking to keep pace with technological advances by updating their software, only to repeatedly encounter additional fees for changes that rarely provided the growth opportunity the company sought. A number of problems came to light after an employee stole money from a property as a direct result of inadequate security settings in the property management software. When Westover requested a fix to the problem, waited nearly a year for resolution, and found themselves having to threaten litigation, the company decided to pivot the property management operations at Westover.
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Westover Companies has operated for over 40 years with 52 properties in the metro Philadelphia region, Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland. After experiencing years of frustration, uncommunicative software providers, and being stuck with the same old processes, Westover began looking for a more streamlined, flexible property management experience. The goal to provide quality and affordable housing to residents has driven Westover to become an industry leader in nearly every aspect of property management technology and day-to-day operations.
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Westover decided to implement Entrata for flexibility in adjusting operations on an as-needed basis. The deciding factor: access to cutting-edge technology that would enable their company to grow. The Entrata Platform was the best match for the kind of progressive software Westover needed. And the ability to scale the technology with company growth in accounting, management, and operations would be necessary to pave the way for Westover’s success and future growth. Entrata provided a dedicated team to work out problems and find ways to build efficiencies at every level of Westover’s organization. When issues arise, the Entrata team is quick to respond and make the technology adapt to Westover’s needs.
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With the adoption of Entrata, the days of inflexible software are long gone. No more big fees. No more 'What’s in it for us?' Westover’s technology is now streamlined for seamless processes.
Quality of service and meeting resident needs have taken their rightful place at the forefront of leasing agents’ and property managers’ minds. And when residents don’t need to worry about problems with the system, they feel well taken care of and know that their rent dollars are providing a quality rental experience.
In addition to resident satisfaction and improved service after adopting Entrata, Westover saw resident participation in online rent payments jump to 50 percent. That means what was traditionally the busiest week of the month is no longer characterized by hectic, long days filled with frustration.
Resident participation in online rent payments jumped to 50%.
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