Case Studies WebWay Uses IoT to Achieve Service Excellence
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WebWay Uses IoT to Achieve Service Excellence

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
Security & Public Safety
Field Services
Fleet Management
Predictive Maintenance
Remote Asset Management
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
WebWay, a company specializing in alarm signaling and remote monitoring security solutions, faced the challenge of transforming their product into a service. Initially, their business model involved building devices and having customers manage the SIMs and solutions themselves. However, they realized that bundling a SIM with the device and including management and billing services would provide additional lifetime value to their customers and a recurring stream of service revenue. Additionally, the ability to quickly diagnose device and connection problems was critical for the security industry, as alerts could indicate various issues such as intrusions or communication problems. Before implementing IoT, WebWay had limited visibility into deeper network issues, making it difficult to troubleshoot and support their customers effectively.
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WebWay, established in 1999, is a company dedicated to providing service excellence in alarm signaling and remote monitoring security solutions for both enterprise and residential markets. They offer hosted cloud-based solutions that enable real-time site monitoring and statistics, eliminating the need for traditional telephone lines. By leveraging IoT-enabled devices, WebWay can poll alarm systems, monitor networks, send alarms, and perform remote maintenance and servicing of alarm panels. Their innovative approach has attracted global providers such as ADT, Chubb, G4S, Secom, and Securitas, who rely on WebWay's solutions for enhanced security and operational efficiency.
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WebWay integrated the Cisco Jasper connectivity management platform into their internal ecosystem to transform their product into a service. By bundling a SIM with their devices and offering a full array of management and billing services, WebWay provided additional lifetime value to their customers and a recurring stream of service revenue. The Cisco Jasper platform enabled WebWay to have full control of their devices and visibility into usage, allowing them to offer these services effectively. The platform's real-time visibility and remote diagnostics capabilities allowed WebWay to quickly diagnose device and connection problems, providing evidence-based support to their customers. This enhanced their ability to troubleshoot network issues at a granular level and deliver a more stable service. The data provided by the platform also enabled WebWay to suggest improvements to optimize system performance and offer a more automated and transparent customer experience.
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WebWay's integration of the Cisco Jasper platform allowed them to provide excellent service to their customers with minimal resources. The quality of information provided by the platform built trust with their customers and maximized their ability to support more customers in the field while keeping the headcount down.
The solution enabled one of the UK's largest supermarket chains to reduce the number of onsite support visits by 75%, resulting in significant cost savings.
WebWay's ability to diagnose device and connection problems quickly and accurately improved their credibility and support capabilities in the security industry.
WebWay's solution enabled one of the UK's largest supermarket chains to reduce onsite support visits by 75%.
The reduction in onsite support visits translated into an annual cost savings of £2.4 million for the supermarket chain.
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