ITRS Opsview Case Studies Vip Mobile d.o.o. Case Study
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Vip Mobile d.o.o. Case Study

ITRS Opsview
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
System Integration
Vip mobile, a Serbian mobile network operator, was in need of a monitoring solution that could effectively oversee all layers of their IT infrastructure. This included network equipment, SAN storage, servers, backup systems, databases, operating systems, and web services. The company had approximately 550 devices split over two data centers in Serbia. Their existing tool did not provide appropriate oversight of their IT estate, or meet their goals of monitoring all their applications and business services. The initial goal of Vip mobile’s monitoring project was to implement a solution to completely monitor their entire internal IT infrastructure.
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Vip mobile d.o.o., based in Serbia, is a member of the Telekom Austria Group. The company is a mobile network operator and is the exclusive strategic partner of Vodafone in Serbia. Vip mobile caters to more than 18.9 million mobile users across eight countries in the region. The company has approximately 550 devices split over two data centers in Serbia.
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Vip mobile initially sought an inexpensive solution that was easy to set up and use. They tried a few solutions, including Nagios Core, but after taking out an Opsview Enterprise trial, it was clear that Opsview offered far more functionality and ease of use than the other solutions they tested. Vip mobile were convinced that the quality of the product, feature-set, and vendor-led support more than offset the cost of paying for an Opsview Enterprise subscription. The full installation of Opsview Enterprise took approximately three months, with the initial scope including monitoring of only their IT infrastructure and not their applications. However, with the wider capabilities of Opsview having been recognized, Vip mobile then extended their monitoring strategy to also include more and more applications under the same single monitoring solution.
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Vip mobile is now able to detect and identify problems before the business reports them back to the IT department.
This proactive approach ensures they are able to fix issues before they affect the business.
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