Qlik Case Studies Using Business Intelligence to Be a Beacon of Change in the Government
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Using Business Intelligence to Be a Beacon of Change in the Government

Analytics & Modeling - Big Data Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Cities & Municipalities
Business Operation
Predictive Quality Analytics
Process Control & Optimization
Data Science Services
The Hillsborough County Tax Collector Office (HCTC) is responsible for collecting and distributing local and state taxes and fees to various partner organizations. They serve as an agent for their partner agencies and all of their community members to ensure that the money that flows into their office goes where it needs to go. However, they were facing challenges in managing the vast amount of data they collected and in using it to improve their efficiency and the quality of their work. They initially used Excel to handle performance metrics and insights, but it was time-consuming and prone to errors. They then tried another solution, but it did not allow them to actively manage their data or understand why certain trends were occurring.
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The Hillsborough County Tax Collector Office (HCTC) is a government organization responsible for collecting and distributing local and state taxes and fees to various partner organizations. They serve as a bridge between state and local agencies, working in conjunction with a lot of different organizations across the state, from the Department of Highway Safety to the Department of Revenue, Health, and others. On the local level, they also work as an agent for their local municipalities within Hillsborough County. HCTC is a community partner, collecting all the local property, business, and tourist development taxes. They issue driver licenses, titles, tags, ID cards, parking placards, hunting and fishing licenses, among other services. They ensure that the funds they collect get to fire departments, schools, municipalities, and fund various state services.
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HCTC implemented Qlik Sense, a business intelligence platform, to better manage and utilize their data. Qlik Sense allowed them to consolidate data sources and connect everything together in a way that just worked. It provided them with insights they never had before, allowing them to operate better, faster, and cheaper. With Qlik Sense, they were able to isolate individual employees and skills, and use the tool to help their employees perform their best. They could also look deeper into the types of transactions and calls they get, and use the data to build models and shift employees as needed throughout the year as their business changes. Qlik Sense also helped them analyze their IT Help Desk tickets and realize that Monday morning password resets were costing them a huge amount of time and money. Based on this insight, they were able to do a training session and educate people on how to handle the password reset themselves, freeing up IT to work on bigger infrastructure issues.
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Qlik Sense allowed HCTC to consolidate data sources and connect everything together in a way that just worked.
The tool provided them with insights they never had before, allowing them to operate better, faster, and cheaper.
With Qlik Sense, they were able to isolate individual employees and skills, and use the tool to help their employees perform their best.
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