GPS Insight Case Studies User-Friendly GPS Tracking Solution Delivers Results for Texas Municipality
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User-Friendly GPS Tracking Solution Delivers Results for Texas Municipality

GPS Insight
Sensors - GPS
Cities & Municipalities
Logistics & Transportation
Fleet Management
Remote Asset Management
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
The City of Pampa, Texas, was facing challenges in managing its fleet of 60 vehicles used across various departments. The Director of Public Works, Donny Hooper, identified that the fleet needed to be managed more effectively, particularly the routing of sanitation trucks. He began researching technologies designed to improve routing and expanded his search to include GPS fleet management solutions after realizing the potential cost savings. Hooper was aware that every day without a GPS fleet management system was a loss for the city.
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The City of Pampa is the second largest city in the Panhandle of Texas. It serves as an oilfield supply point with allied industries, a marketing center for agriculture and livestock-raising, and an industrial center. The Public Works division of the city operates a fleet of 60 vehicles for various departments including Street, Parks, Sanitation, Landfill, Code Enforcement, Engineering, Water Distribution, and Waste Water Collection. The Director of Public Works, Donny Hooper, was seeking a solution to manage the fleet more effectively.
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The City of Pampa conducted a needs assessment and trialed several GPS tracking companies before choosing GPS Insight. The GPS Insight dashboard was intuitive and easy to use, even for non tech-savvy employees. After the installation, GPS Insight helped the city fully implement the software to maximize the benefits of the technology. The city was able to reduce idle time stops, slow down visits to convenience stores, improve route efficiency, and defend complaints from the public concerning city vehicles. The city also set up a maintenance schedule to receive reminders when a vehicle was due for maintenance.
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The City of Pampa saw a reduction in idling violations of about 70% and a 55% decrease in average idle time.
The city was able to optimize routes, reducing fuel costs and increasing productive work time.
The city was able to keep up with vehicle maintenance with reminders from the GPS Insight system.
70% reduction in idling violations.
55% decrease in average idle time.
Approximately $9,000 in fuel savings from reduced idling alone.
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