ManyChat Case Studies USA Wholesale's Transformation: Reducing Customer Support Costs by 60% with ManyChat
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USA Wholesale's Transformation: Reducing Customer Support Costs by 60% with ManyChat

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USA Wholesale, a distributor of beauty products, was facing a challenge with its customer support operations. The company had been using WhatsApp to manage its support operations, with agents manually responding to every customer inquiry. This approach had worked in the company’s earlier years when it was smaller. However, as USA Wholesale began to grow its customer base, it became clear that manual support was too time-consuming and didn’t scale well with its operations. Agents had to answer common questions repeatedly, regardless of whether the lead was qualified or unqualified, which was an inefficient use of their time. The increase in demand for its products led to a rise in customer support inquiries that the team manually managed through a WhatsApp Business account. This was time-consuming and tedious for agents. USA Wholesale knew it needed a centralized system to scale more efficiently and improve its customer support.

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USA Wholesale is a wholesale distributor focusing on beauty products from brands like Revlon, L’Oreal, Maybelline, and other popular brands. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the brand sells to B2B and B2C clients in the U.S. and Latin America and is growing fast. The company had been using WhatsApp to manage its support operations, with agents manually responding to every customer inquiry. However, as the company began to grow its customer base, it became clear that manual support was too time-consuming and didn’t scale well with its operations.

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USA Wholesale collaborated with ManyChat Agency Partner Chat Blender to implement an omnichannel customer support system that automated responses to FAQs and qualified leads for sales. The company wanted to meet customers on their preferred channels so it began to offer customer support through SMS, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. Chat Blender created an FAQ bot that guided potential customers through the support journey without human help. People could get information about products, brands, loyalty and affiliate programs, or connect with an agent through email, live chat, or WhatsApp. The Chat Blender team used a series of Tags to collect information about each user in the bot. Thanks to these Tags, agents had a 360-view of an individual’s user journey when a shopper reached customer support. USA Wholesale was able to directly connect with leads through Live Chat once they were ready to buy. The bot assisted leads day and night by either sending them straight to the website to make their purchase or connecting them to a sales rep for human assistance for larger orders.

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The implementation of the omnichannel customer support system significantly improved agent productivity and lowered support costs. The system leveraged several of ManyChat’s features, including Flow Builder, Tags, and Live Chat. The brand offered many entry points into a conversation with its bot, including paid ads (SEM), social media marketing, and Facebook comments. It wanted to get to know potential customers and understand what they needed. Based on the user’s responses to the questions, the bot would guide them towards a specific flow: FAQ, main menu, or Live Chat. This approach allowed USA Wholesale to run a more efficient customer support operation that provided service and produced more qualified leads.

150% increase in agent productivity

60% reduction in customer support costs

$70,000 annual savings on customer support

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