Case Studies University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava – Precise Analysis and Evaluation of Data for Scientific Research
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University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava – Precise Analysis and Evaluation of Data for Scientific Research

Analytics & Modeling - Data Mining
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Product Research & Development
Quality Assurance
Software Design & Engineering Services
In the past, UCM’s Faculty of Natural Sciences (mainly the Department of Chemistry) used a run-of-the mill software application such as Microsoft® Excel®. In order for the university to become more competitive and increase its visibility through scientific publications, however, it would need to process experimental results using suitable statistical software, the standing of which would impact the scientific community’s perception of the value of UCM’s publications and related activity. The university sought an advanced tool that not only would permit thorough analysis of scientific data but would also be suitable for use in education. It needed software to analyze clinical and physical data, test results, substance behaviour and separation (chromatography) in model systems, drugs, or food samples. First-rate scientific work helps UCM obtain state funding and increase its rating. The school’s management selected STATISTICA Base and STATISTICA Data Miner through StatSoft CR in Prague.
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The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (UCM) was founded in 1997. The mission of UCM, in the spirit of Christian and national ideals and in accordance with democratic principles, is to educate qualified experts who will be capable of successfully developing Slovak culture, science, and learning within the context of European and global cultural heritage. UCM aims to be a modern educational institution that provides students with sufficient opportunities in philosophy and art, as well as with the latest findings in mathematics, information science, chemistry, and biotechnology.
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The software was easily installed by university staff in one day. Aside from the minimum support required during implementation, StatSoft also took care of any required training in a standard manner. “Choosing StatSoft CR soon showed itself to have been an excellent decision. Aside from implementation of a top-notch analysis tool, thanks to which we can now perform advanced scientific work, we found the supplier to be an outstanding partner with a professional and personal approach,” says Mgr. Peter Nemeček, PhD., with UCM’s Department of Chemistry.
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STATISTICA is currently used at UCM in Trnava primarily for scientific research, advancing publication activity to a new, higher level, thus helping the university attain better credit and greater competitiveness.
The UCM is now planning to deploy new tools directly into the classroom to engage students with modern research methods, help them interpret their own research, and help them find jobs in their profession.
Overall, everyone involved gains a corresponding financial benefit from their work.
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