Bubble Group Case Studies UniAquire: A No-Code Business Acquisition Marketplace
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UniAquire: A No-Code Business Acquisition Marketplace

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Building Automation & Control
UniAquire, a business acquisition marketplace app, was founded by Clayton Stiver, who works in a mergers and acquisitions advisory role. The app was designed to cater to business owners, sellers, buyers, lenders, investors, and others involved in the business acquisition process. The challenge was to create an app that could facilitate the process of selling a business, selling a majority/minority position, or taking on debt. The app needed to allow users to upload detailed sell-side mandates and approve those wanting to view their business, as well as facilitate messaging between parties. Similarly, for those looking to buy a business, take a majority/minority position, or lend debt, the app needed to allow users to upload detailed buy-side mandates and receive immediate notifications if a sell-side project matched their buy-side mandate.
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UniAquire's customers are primarily business owners, sellers, buyers, lenders, investors, and others involved in the business acquisition process. These individuals or entities may be looking to sell a business, sell a majority/minority position, or take on debt. Alternatively, they may be looking to buy a business, take a majority/minority position, or lend debt. UniAquire's customers require a platform that allows them to upload detailed sell-side or buy-side mandates, approve viewers, and facilitate messaging between parties. They also require a platform that provides immediate notifications if a sell-side project matches their buy-side mandate.
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To address these challenges, Stiver chose to build UniAquire on Bubble, a no-code platform. Bubble was chosen because it provided the necessary functionality without a steep learning curve. The platform's powerful point-and-click web editor and cloud hosting platform allowed Stiver to build a fully customizable web application that met the specific needs of UniAquire's target audience. The app allows users to upload detailed sell-side or buy-side mandates, approve viewers, and facilitate messaging between parties. For buy-side users, the app provides immediate notifications if a sell-side project matches their mandate. The use of a no-code platform like Bubble also allowed Stiver to complete the application with the necessary functionality for a minimum viable product (MVP).
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The operational results of using Bubble to build UniAquire have been positive. Stiver was able to complete the application with the necessary functionality for an MVP, demonstrating the effectiveness of the no-code platform. The app now serves as a marketplace for business acquisition, facilitating the process for business owners, sellers, buyers, lenders, investors, and others. The use of a no-code platform like Bubble also allowed Stiver to build the app without a steep learning curve, saving time and resources. Furthermore, the app's functionality can be easily adjusted and expanded as needed, providing flexibility for future plans and developments.
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