Anodot Case Studies Uncovering Hidden Insights: Redis Labs Adopts AI-Driven Business Monitoring to Support Stand-Out Customer Success
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Uncovering Hidden Insights: Redis Labs Adopts AI-Driven Business Monitoring to Support Stand-Out Customer Success

Analytics & Modeling - Machine Learning
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Healthcare & Hospitals
Discrete Manufacturing
Quality Assurance
Machine Condition Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
System Integration
Redis Labs, a company in a high-growth phase, was acquiring many enterprise customers in the Fortune 500 and Global 1000. It needed to scale its customer service while maximizing efficiency and minimizing time and resources. As Redis Labs scaled, it became responsible for managing tens of thousands of databases and could no longer manually monitor their usage patterns individually. The company wanted their monitoring to operate on a more granular level, picking up incidents that might otherwise go unnoticed. With the growing volume of databases also came a wider variety of usage patterns, which couldn’t be properly tracked with the fixed alerting that had proved sufficient in the company’s early days.
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Redis Labs’ NoSQL database management system delivers superior performance and reliability at scale. With its product’s unmatched speed and the company’s exceptional customer experience, it manages over one million Redis Enterprise databases for customers all over the world. Their clients include more than 7,900 customers, many in the top 10 of the Fortune 500 in addition to the top global credit card, communication, healthcare, technology and retail companies. Redis Labs is in a high-growth phase and is acquiring many enterprise customers in the Fortune 500 and Global 1000.
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Redis Labs adopted Anodot’s AI-driven platform for its advanced capabilities. Anodot collects data from every data source for comprehensive visibility. Its patented machine learning algorithms learn each metric’s normal behavior to build a baseline that accounts for seasonality and the effect of influencing factors. When patterns change, so does the baseline. The precision of those baselines allows Anodot to detect anomalies far sooner than static thresholds for real-time alerts that help reduce time to detection and time to remediation. Anodot is able to monitor billions of metrics, to locate anomalies within the permutations of topline KPIs that would otherwise go unnoticed.
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Anodot’s Autonomous Business Monitoring delivers real-time alerts on issues buried in topline KPIs.
When Redis Labs discovers latency issues, their customer success team can proactively reach out to customers with solutions, such as a configuration change or stronger machines.
This attention to detail and responsiveness is helping their team to build a stronger customer-vendor relationship - preventing churn and facilitating upsells.
Anodot’s solution is translating into hundreds of thousands of dollars of real opportunity for Redis Labs.
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