Bubble Group Case Studies Transforming Tax Filing in the UK: A Case Study on Otis Tax
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Transforming Tax Filing in the UK: A Case Study on Otis Tax

Bubble Group
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Building Automation & Control
Leasing Finance Automation
Otis Tax, an online platform for tax returns in the UK, was born out of a recognized need for resources to assist individuals in filing their taxes independently. The founder, Ozzy Drakes, a qualified tax accountant with extensive finance experience, identified a gap in the market for a user-friendly, accessible platform that could simplify the tax filing process for individuals with uncomplicated financial affairs. These individuals, who may be self-employed, have sold shares, receive investment income, or own properties, often struggle with the complexities of tax filing and lack the resources to do it efficiently and accurately. The challenge was to create a platform that could cater to these individuals, providing them with a straightforward, intuitive tool for managing their tax affairs.
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Otis Tax targets individuals in the UK who need to file tax returns but have uncomplicated financial affairs. These individuals may be self-employed, employed but have sold a few shares or receive some investment income, or own a few properties. They are individuals who need to file a return but may not have the resources or the need to see a qualified tax advisor. The platform is designed to cater to these individuals, providing them with a user-friendly, accessible tool for managing their tax affairs. As demand grows, Otis Tax plans to cater to different circumstances, expanding its user base.
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Otis Tax was built using Bubble, a no-code platform that allowed Drakes to create the app without any prior coding experience. The app works by collecting user information on their income details during the tax year, analyzing those figures, and informing the user of their likely tax liability. Users begin their journey on the website by selecting the types of income they have had during the year. Based on their selection, the app guides them through the process, providing prompts and aids at different stages. Users can leave the platform and return when they have all the necessary information. The next stage of the platform is to integrate with the national tax office's API to enable users to file tax returns through the website. The ultimate goal is to build a backend that will allow users to submit and amend their yearly tax returns.
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Otis Tax is still in the early stages of its journey, using the Bubble platform to build a prototype and gauge traction. However, the platform has already been featured in a fintech article, indicating early recognition and potential for success in the market. The future plans for the app include building a backend that will allow users to submit and amend their yearly tax returns, further enhancing the user experience and the platform's functionality. The use of Bubble's no-code platform has allowed for more creative control in the development process, enabling the realization of a product that meets the specific needs of its target users.
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