GoodData Case Studies TownNews: Turning Media Data into Insights
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TownNews: Turning Media Data into Insights

Analytics & Modeling - Big Data Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Business Operation
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Supply Chain Visibility
Data Science Services
System Integration
TownNews, a leading provider of content management systems and platforms for U.S. media organizations, found that most of its customers, mid-sized to smaller community-based outlets, lacked deep insight into their content assets. They had long generated audience and editorial data from content management systems, traffic reports from Google Analytics, and advertising revenue reports. However, they lacked deep insight into their content assets, and knowing what content mattered most to their audience and advertisers. In most media organizations, data is siloed within departments. The advertising team can see how the ad stack is performing but doesn’t have access to editorial analytics, and vice-versa. No one can see the big picture.
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TownNews, founded in 1989, is a leading provider of content management systems and platforms for media organizations in the U.S. It serves 800 print publications nationwide, digital and TV outlets, too, and 2,000 websites. Its integrated digital publishing and content management solutions power some of the most distinguished media organizations in the local media industry. Most of its customers are mid-sized to smaller community-based outlets in a hyper-competitive industry. TownNews produces about a billion page views a month and 24 million rows of data daily.
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In early 2020, TownNews deployed GoodData technology to launch “Data Insights” to give its media customers robust new tools for gathering, understanding, and acting upon the multitude of data that impacts their businesses. Data Insights will make it easy to draw connections between the media company’s core business products-videos, articles, and other content-and the revenue that’s generated from those products. By understanding how each piece of content influences revenue, media organizations can make more informed decisions regarding content, advertising rates, and even staffing. With Data Insights, media companies will be able to assess such things as whether a viewer is a paying subscriber or a drive-by viewer-and what content plays better with each audience. They’ll know how much revenue is generated by each article, or even each reporter. They’ll know where traffic comes from to the site, whether via a social media outlet or via organic search.
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Media companies can now draw connections between core business products-videos, articles, and other content-and the revenue that’s generated from those products.
Media organizations can make more informed decisions regarding content, advertising rates, and even staffing.
Media companies can assess whether a viewer is a paying subscriber or a drive-by viewer-and what content plays better with each audience.
In the first two weeks of offering the product, TownNews won 29 customers.
During two product demonstrations, customers discovered that they weren’t getting the optimal advertising revenue that was available to them. By closing that loophole, they almost immediately paid for the product.
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