NETSCOUT Case Studies Top-Tier Hospital Optimizes Performance of Image Analysis Application that Impacts Patient Care
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Top-Tier Hospital Optimizes Performance of Image Analysis Application that Impacts Patient Care

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Healthcare & Hospitals
Human Resources
Quality Assurance
Remote Collaboration
Remote Patient Monitoring
System Integration
Testing & Certification
The hospital uses remote workers, specifically radiologists, to deliver expert service to their patients. These remote radiologists consistently reported delays when logging in via VPN to access the application delivering the digital images. They also experienced very slow download times of the 100MB and larger digital files they needed to analyze. Any delay in accessing and analyzing the digital files could delay a timely diagnosis and treatment for the patient. IT faced considerable challenges in their efforts to improve the experience for the remote radiologists and help them provide quicker results. Since the radiologists were not in the organization’s offices or health centers, IT lacked essential visibility into their experience. With no data around the problem, IT was stymied in troubleshooting, not having a starting place to isolate the root cause.
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The customer is a top-tier US hospital that has been in operation for over 100 years. The hospital employs 60,000 people, including 4,000 physicians and scientists, who work at over 200 locations. They are recognized as one of the top medical and research centers not just in the US, but around the world. As a multi-specialty organization that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education, they manage over 8 million outpatient visits per year. Known for their breakthrough healthcare treatments, they pride themselves as a leader in innovative healthcare digital transformations, with a complex environment of several hospitals, healthcare centers, ambulatory surgical centers, offices, and remote employees and contractors using the latest IT technologies to better deliver safe, secure patient care.
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The healthcare organization, a longterm partner of NETSCOUT, relies on the nGeniusONE platform to monitor real-time traffic in their data center and wanted to expand that platform to include analysis from their remote sites’ perspective. They determined that NETSCOUT’s nGeniusPULSE met their needs, with an easy, cost-effective method to monitor from the perspective of the remote users – in this case the radiologists analyzing the digital files. nGeniusPULSE uses synthetic, automated, tests, which can run at any time interval, to monitor the availability and performance of the network and services over a wired or Wi-Fi connection, even when no one is using the system. Using virtual instrumentation (called nPoints) at the remote radiologist’s site, IT runs tests for application availability, network latency and to see the “hop-by-hop” path of the file download process. With these tests, they can easily identify the domain/s causing the slowdown.
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IT now has visibility into the experience of their remote users and better measurement of the actual client performance with tests that accurately represent the communication directly from the remote user.
The process is very efficient for IT; running regularly scheduled tests at various intervals to provide better performance samples for follow-up and larger sample sizes for benchmarking.
nGeniusPULSE provides objective evidence through test results that are reliable and specific with technically relevant data that can be used to follow-up with Internet Service Providers, other IT teams, and 3rd party suppliers.
Reduced MTTR by starting with objective evidence that is reliable, specific and technically relevant.
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