BMC Case Studies Top European Bank Chooses Strobe, Gets Results
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Top European Bank Chooses Strobe, Gets Results

Analytics & Modeling - Process Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Finance & Insurance
Business Operation
Predictive Maintenance
Process Control & Optimization
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
IT Solutions Austria, the IT services branch of the Erste Group, a leading financial services company in Central and Eastern Europe, was tasked with maintaining the quality and cost efficiency of the Erste Group’s data center operations. In 2012, the company decided to outsource mainframe operations, which led to a re-evaluation of all its mainframe vendor relationships to see if it could reduce costs by further consolidating with other vendors. IT Solutions Austria was already using Compuware Strobe to analyze the behavior of its mainframe applications, and it valued the capabilities Strobe provided. However, the company considered migrating to a competing solution to save money.
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IT Solutions Austria is the IT services branch of the Erste Group, one of the leading financial services companies in Central and Eastern Europe. The company has around 46,000 employees, 2700 branches and 16.2 million customers in seven countries. Maintaining the quality and cost efficiency of the Erste Group’s data center operations falls under their responsibilities. In 2012, s IT Solutions Austria decided to outsource mainframe operations. This change caused the company to re-evaluate all of its mainframe vendor relationships to see if it could reduce costs by further consolidating with other vendors.
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s IT Solutions Austria started their evaluation process by reviewing its requirements with local technical specialists from both companies. As is the case with most financial services companies, the Erste Group has seen mainframe transaction workloads and the overall complexity of its IT environment increase substantially as a result of online banking and mobile apps. The ability to identify and resolve mainframe resource consumption issues became an essential part of both controlling costs and safeguarding the application service levels that play such an important role in customer satisfaction. Strobe clearly surpassed the competition across all of the decision criteria. It delivers rich insight into application behavior and resource utilization for both transactional and Batch-processing applications in all of the used environments. Its easy-to-use interface is as intuitive for distributed staff as it is for mainframe specialists. And it provides the integration that is so important for fast, accurate problem resolution across Ops and Dev teams.
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Reduced application resource consumption by as much as 95%
Reduced resource consumption after release upgrade
Empowered Ops, Dev and non-mainframe IT staff to quickly collaborate on problem resolution
Resource consumption had jumped more than 10%. Using Strobe, some of the reasons for this increase were identified and s IT Solutions Austria was able to reduce the increase to 5%.
The company used Strobe to quickly pinpoint the source of the additional MIPS consumption. They found that the problem was caused mostly by the SQL statements of a single security program. The program searched for market prices in the database, but because the search was not correctly programmed, its running time kept growing. This adversely impacted end-of-period processing, which could have had serious business consequences for the Erste Group if it had prevented the company from fulfilling its next-day reporting requirements.
When the problem was found, s IT Solutions Austria immediately took action to resolve it. That action did not just recover some incremental capacity. It actually reduced the MIPS consumption for the program by a staggering 95%.
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