Blue Yonder Case Studies TNT Quenches Its Thirst for Warehouse Efficiency
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TNT Quenches Its Thirst for Warehouse Efficiency

Blue Yonder
Functional Applications - Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)
Food & Beverage
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Warehouse Automation
System Integration
ThaiNamthip (TNT), Coca-Cola’s bottling partner in Thailand, was facing challenges in optimizing its warehouse operations. The company aimed to increase the productivity of both human workers and physical assets while minimizing errors. TNT's goal was to replace time-consuming, paper-based manual processes with speed and automation. As part of a long-term effort to digitalize its entire supply chain, TNT sought a solution that could help it maintain its market leadership position in the carbonated beverages market. The company recognized that continued investment in new technologies was crucial for its long-term success.
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ThaiNamthip (TNT) is Coca-Cola’s bottling partner in Thailand. It manufactures and distributes the full Coca-Cola portfolio, including Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Schweppes, A&W Root Beer, Coke No Sugar, Namthip Drinking Water, Aquarius, Minute Maid Pulpy and Fuze Tea. TNT is currently the leader in the carbonated beverages market in Thailand. The company has always invested in technology to enable advancements for its people and processes. However, its warehouse processes were very dependent on manual labor, and it had no technology that allowed for automation.
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TNT partnered with Blue Yonder for a rapid implementation of its warehouse management and labor management solutions. Blue Yonder’s warehouse management solution is a highly scalable, real-time solution that helps TNT optimize every aspect of labor productivity and inventory movement. This solution integrates and synchronizes warehouse operations with the extended supply network. Labor management capabilities from Blue Yonder help TNT define best practices and performance expectations, track warehouse activities to enhance employee accountability, and empower supervisors to effectively mentor their teams. Together, these solutions under the unified logistics umbrella support TNT in quickly adapting to change. The company can optimize the workforce and physical assets to get the right inventory at the right location at the right time, flawlessly.
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Reduction in order delivery errors to almost zero
Increased productivity for both warehouse employees and capital assets
Time and cost savings due to reduction in manual labor and paper-based processes
Significant business benefits realized in just two months
The number of goods that were returned due to incorrect data was decreased to almost zero
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