Source Intelligence Case Studies The Sustainable Biomass Program: Enhancing Data Quality and Insight with ChainPoint-based Certification and Audit Management Platform
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The Sustainable Biomass Program: Enhancing Data Quality and Insight with ChainPoint-based Certification and Audit Management Platform

Source Intelligence
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Security Compliance
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Renewable Energy
Quality Assurance
Leasing Finance Automation
Visual Quality Detection
System Integration
Testing & Certification
The Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) is a certification system designed for woody biomass used in industrial, large-scale energy production. The program aims to provide assurance that woody biomass is sourced from legal and sustainable sources, allowing companies in the biomass sector to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. SBP’s Data Transfer System (DTS) holds a wealth of information on biomass supplied with an SBP claim. The DTS facilitates the collection and carriage of energy data throughout the biomass supply chain, enabling the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and the identification of any carbon savings achieved by burning biomass in place of fossil fuel sources. Initially, SBP used a combination of questionnaires and checklists based on Microsoft Word and their CRM system to record information on certifications and audits. However, this system was not efficient and did not provide the level of data quality and insight required.
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The customer in this case is the Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP), a certification system designed for woody biomass used in industrial, large-scale energy production. SBP aims to provide assurance that woody biomass is sourced from legal and sustainable sources, allowing companies in the biomass sector to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. SBP’s Data Transfer System (DTS) holds a wealth of information on biomass supplied with an SBP claim. The DTS facilitates the collection and carriage of energy data throughout the biomass supply chain, enabling the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and the identification of any carbon savings achieved by burning biomass in place of fossil fuel sources.
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After reviewing and analysing different solutions from various suppliers, SBP chose ChainPoint as the platform for its new Audit Portal. The ChainPoint based Audit Portal introduced a new way to generate and submit audit reports (the SBP Public Summary Report) and Supply Base Reports. This new system moved beyond CRM, Word templates and PDF reports, allowing SBP to make use of digital tools and automation. This improved data quality, standardised report content and made the process more efficient for users when it comes to completing the reports. The Audit Portal also supported SBP in developing a robust monitoring and evaluation system to monitor and report on SBP’s impacts and help the organisation improve the certification scheme. Key features of SBP’s Audit Portal include online SBP certification applicant registrations and an overview of all applicants, online audit report and supply base forms with smart validations and automations, automatic form/template version control, access to all certificate details, audit schedules and audit checklists, connectivity to suppliers and buyers, and aggregated data reporting.
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The implementation of the ChainPoint-based Audit Portal has significantly improved the operations of the Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP). The new system has enhanced the quality of data and provided more insightful information, which is crucial for the certification and audit processes. The use of digital tools and automation has not only standardized the report content but also made the process more efficient for users when it comes to completing the reports. The Audit Portal has also supported SBP in developing a robust monitoring and evaluation system to monitor and report on SBP’s impacts, thereby helping the organization improve the certification scheme. Furthermore, the portal has facilitated better connectivity to suppliers and buyers, and enabled aggregated data reporting.
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