Case Studies The Real Smart Mobility
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The Real Smart Mobility

The Real Smart Mobility -  Industrial IoT Case Study
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Networks & Connectivity - RFID
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Sensors - Camera / Video Systems
Sensors - RFID Readers
Cities & Municipalities
Facility Management
Smart Parking

Pisa, one of Italy’s most visited by tourists in Italy, is the major airport hub in Tuscany and one of Italy’s centers of excellence in science and technology with three universities and many technology businesses. With more than 200.000 habitants in the urban area and over 300.000 monthly tourists, Pisa’s historic city centre was facing a dramatic increase in congestion. Due to the structure of the city increasing congestion impacted not only the immediate city center, but also major ingress and egress points. With the goal of reducing traffic to sustainable levels without harming the local economy, Pisa decided to introduce a congestion fee for the city center and major traffic roads. Due to the various different necessities of a highly tourist focussed infrastructure, the system for the congestion zone had to be highly variable in configuration covering not only the regulation of basic ingress and egress traffic, but allowing to regulate even time for certain categories of traffic (tourist busses, city logistics, habitants,…). As Pisa aimed for a digitalization of services, all fees should be payable over the internet as well as offline at the various helpdesks of PisaMo, the local public mobility company.

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PisaMo, the local public mobility company
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Since 2006 till today Pisa has completely reworked the city’s mobility: all mobility services and products have been centralized on INES Cloud bringing together the permit management for parking, congestion zone and city logistics on a unified platform. Pisa introduced new online self servicing tools allowing citizens to purchase and renew parking tickets as well as make congestion fee payments via web and smartphone powered by INES Info & Sales. All payments are associated to the City Pass, an RFID badge replacing prior paper based solutions for all aspects of control and enforcement. On street enforcement is equipped with RFID enabled handhelds allowing a fully automatic verification of permissions within seconds and an accelerated process for registration of abuses. In addition, the congestion charge area has been equipped with INES Insight RFID gates at all ingress and egress points extending the functionality of the existing video cameras: the access to the congestion fee area can be limited to certain times and durations. The usage of parking occupation sensors in combination with digital signage allowed the redirection of traffic straight to free parking space reducing the congestion related to the search for parking. In connection with Tap & Park, the Kiunsys smartphone app for Android and iPhone, free parking space can be searched right from the smartphone and subsequently paid right inside the app.

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Parking Availability, RFID , Traffic Behavior, Traffic Congestion Levels, Traffic Flow
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[Data Management - Data Integration]
The entire street enforcement including tickets is fully integrated with the back office solution

Ines Cloud in combination the RFID solutions helped Pisa to transfer to online 60% of the attendance at the counters and significantly limited disputes with citizens.

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