Case Studies The Ken Blanchard Companies: Transforming Leadership Training with CD2 Learning
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The Ken Blanchard Companies: Transforming Leadership Training with CD2 Learning

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The Ken Blanchard Companies recognized that the traditional classroom-training model for learning was evolving and new efficient and cost-effective models were needed for delivering leadership content to a wider audience. They knew by utilizing scalable cloud-based technology, accessible on any device -- smartphone, tablet, desktop, or laptop -- at any location, they could repackage their 35 year-old world-class content and reach a brand new audience of emerging leaders. Blanchard had used eLearning for more than a decade, but found the results to be disappointing. The technology was cumbersome and not user friendly. The lessons on the existing Learning Management Systems did not allow for interaction that was essential to making the content come to life. They were never able to deliver eLearning to clients that was consistent with the high standards of The Ken Blanchard Companies.
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Ken Blanchard is one of the most influential leadership and management experts in the world. His book, The One Minute Manager, and content, Situational Leadership II (SLII), have transformed the way Fortune 500 companies train and develop leaders. The Ken Blanchard Companies have been at the forefront of leadership training for decades, providing world-class content and tools to help leaders maximize their potential. With a focus on innovative and effective training methods, the company has consistently adapted to the changing needs of the business world, ensuring that their clients receive the best possible training and development resources.
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CD2 Learning is a cloud-based (SaaS) learning architecture that provides an asynchronous learning environment. Using this environment, Blanchard is able to provide their best in class leadership content on a 24/7 basis to audiences around the globe. The CD2 Learning platform allows Blanchard to deliver dynamic and engaging content second only to having Ken Blanchard in person. Working collaboratively, Blanchard and the CD2 Learning team set out to develop the CD2 Leadership system. The CD2 Learning development team helps Blanchard reach beyond the limitations of existing LMSs or Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) and deliver their content using a singular system in an interactive way. Accessible from any device, CD2 Learning is able to bridge the entire continuum of learning from user setup, to course creation and tracking, to user certification. Special features like impact maps, partnering tools, interactive simulations, embedded videos, and user-centric activities, provide users an engaging learning experience. Each of the leadership lessons is complemented with ongoing collaboration through discussion threads and interactive debriefs. The modular nature of the design creates a foundation for focused or casual conversations about the content emulating one of the most impactful elements of classroom training.
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The development of CD2 Leadership enables Blanchard to provide leaders with the best leadership content and tools they need to maximize their potential, no matter the size or location of the company.
Blanchard is able to take their powerful leadership content directly to front-line employees - an audience previously inaccessible because of cost and locations barriers.
Blanchard clients can now use CD2 Leadership training for all staff levels in multiple locations and achieve increased productivity and performance throughout their respective organizations.
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