Sage Case Studies Teva “In Its Element” With Sage 500 ERP
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Teva “In Its Element” With Sage 500 ERP

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Sales & Marketing
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
System Integration
Teva Sport Sandals, a company that created its own niche in open footwear for the active-lifestyle market, was facing exponential growth in direct marketing distribution channels. This forced the company to rethink its business management strategies. Since 1993, catalog sales had been tracked effectively by Sage 100 ERP. But with the potential of e-commerce on the horizon, Teva’s needs changed. A super-powered database with customizable applications became an absolute necessity. Teva decided to grow with a winner and upgraded to Sage 500 ERP. But not without making certain that this was the wisest move. John Kalinich, COO, led a thorough investigation of competitive options. Sage 500 ERP was his choice based on both price and performance.
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Teva Sport Sandals is a company that created its own niche in open footwear for the active-lifestyle market. The company was founded in 1982 by Mark Thatcher who created the first sports sandal out of inspiration and a little ingenuity. Thatcher combined the spirit of a sandal and the soul of a shoe and came up with the hybrid Teva and a new way to generate millions of dollars in sales. The company is located in Flagstaff, Arizona and has 25 employees. Teva continues to evolve its product line to cover the footwear territory of the outdoor athlete. More than 100 different shoe models are now offered through licensees, catalog sales, and the Internet.
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Sage 500 ERP now handles all of Teva’s catalog and Internet transactions. It manages online, telephone, and mail purchases, keeps updated information on inventory, and also compiles data on licensee business, which represents the bulk of Teva’s revenue. When a customer places an order, the system immediately delivers data to Sage 500 ERP, avoiding any hand-keying or possibility of error. The customer knows right away whether items are in stock. Credit cards are approved online for instant input into the Sage 500 ERP system. Shipping and inventory management is handled through Sage 500 ERP as well. Kalinich’s team wrote a program in SAP® Crystal Reports for Sage 500 ERP to create customized pick lists for the warehouse. When orders go out, Sage 500 ERP charges the credit card, does cash receipt posting, and generates an invoice for insertion with the customer order.
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Streamlined online, phone, and mail sales
Automatic ordering and returns
Precise inventory counts
Doubled business in the past eight months
Lowered labor costs
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