Radware Case Studies TeraGo Uses Radware’s DDoS Attack Mitigation System to Power New Suite of Security Services
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TeraGo Uses Radware’s DDoS Attack Mitigation System to Power New Suite of Security Services

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Network Security
Business Operation
Cybersecurity Services
TeraGo Networks, a company that owns and manages a national IP network across 46 major markets in Canada, was in need of a market-leading DDoS detection and mitigation solution. This was to protect its own infrastructure and to offer its customers a new suite of security services across its telco, data center, and cloud hosting environments. The company had previously deployed remotely-triggered black hole (RTBH) filtering to protect its IT infrastructure against attacks. However, this method had its drawbacks as legitimate traffic could be blocked and TeraGo customers experienced slower response times. Moreover, a volumetric DDoS attack against either TeraGo or one of its own victims could have a trickle-down effect whereby multiple TeraGo customers could be impacted, resulting in dissatisfied customers and increased customer attrition. Lastly, RTBH filtering could not be commoditized, preventing TeraGo from launching a suite of DDoS mitigation services that hit at the heart of what customers were requesting.
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TeraGo Networks is a company headquartered in Ontario, Canada. It owns and manages a national IP network, providing service to 46 markets across Canada. The company operates seven data centers, including two Tier 3 data centers in Mississauga, Ontario and Kelowna B.C. With its acquisition of RackForce Networks Inc., TeraGo now also offers a full line of cloud computing and storage devices. TeraGo is proud to help businesses save on costs and operate with greater efficiency by providing complimentary IT services that meet their telecom and data needs. As a provider of cloud computing and storage services, a cornerstone of TeraGo’s business is ensuring that data is transported and stored with no risk of compromise or loss.
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TeraGo Networks deployed Radware’s Attack Mitigation System (AMS) to replace the company’s existing RTBH-based security solution. The AMS provides a more advanced, behavioral-based DDoS protection, higher levels of automation, and simplicity of implementation. Radware AMS is a real-time, behavioral-based cyber security solution that protects an organization’s applications and networks against known and emerging threats, including DDoS, Internet pipe saturation, and SSL-based flood attacks. Since its implementation, AMS has averted a number of DDoS attacks that leveraged multiple source machines and dynamic IP addresses. AMS’s built-in device fingerprinting constructed dynamic attack signatures to successfully protect the networks of TeraGo and its customers.
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TeraGo’s entire data center and cloud computing infrastructure is protected by AMS, reducing TeraGo’s response times in the event of a cyberattack and providing more value to customers while protecting their mission-critical systems.
It has allowed TeraGo to offer its customers a suite of DDoS mitigation services, providing new business opportunities for TeraGo.
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