Case Studies Ted’s Montana Grill: Something’s Got to Give, but Why is it Always the Training Budget?
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Ted’s Montana Grill: Something’s Got to Give, but Why is it Always the Training Budget?

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Food & Beverage
Human Resources
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
System Integration
The Food & Beverage industry faces the highest turnover rate among all industries, with training often being task-based and lacking in soft skills or leadership development. Many employees in this sector are in their first job, presenting a unique challenge. Additionally, financial pressures from healthcare costs, slow economic recovery, and potential minimum wage increases have led restaurants to trim budgets, often cutting developmental training first. This raises the question of whether reducing investment in training ultimately costs more than it saves.
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Ted’s Montana Grill (TMG) is an American restaurant chain committed to employee development. The company, led by Heather Dunn, Director of Training, identified high turnover as a costly issue and decided to invest in talent development. TMG required a flexible, mobile, and affordable e-learning platform to manage training across 16 stations. The company sought to evolve staff competencies, including self-leadership, to improve overall organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction.
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TMG implemented CD2 Learning, a comprehensive content delivery system with built-in authoring tools, gamification, social collaboration, content management, tracking, storage, versioning, and reporting. This cloud-based platform is accessible from any device, making it ideal for TMG’s needs. CD2 Learning provided a customized talent development platform that combined The Ken Blanchard Companies’ leadership content (SLII®) with CD2’s Talent Development Toolkit and Learning Process Map. This solution enabled TMG to create a common language of leadership, focus on growth and development, and improve communication and organizational effectiveness. The platform also supported micro-learning, allowing for flexible, affordable, and engaging training through gamification and instant assessments.
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TMG saw a decrease in manager turnover, indicating improved employee retention.
Employee engagement survey scores increased, reflecting higher employee satisfaction.
The platform allowed for more effective and confidential communication between key stakeholders.
TMG experienced 58 consecutive months of increased sales (same store).
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