Tableau Case Studies Tableau Enables More Effective Financial Analysis for Student-Run Business
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Tableau Enables More Effective Financial Analysis for Student-Run Business

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
Business Operation
Data Science Services
Flyer Enterprises, a student-run business program at the University of Dayton, was struggling with its traditional methods of analyzing data. The organization was manually entering numbers from flat files generated in internal operating systems, which was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. The high turnover rates typical for a student-run business meant that the organization couldn’t devote adequate time toward training employees on its complicated analytical processes. Even after consolidating its data into a Data Warehousing environment, Flyer Enterprises was still lacking a method of viewing and analyzing its business information.
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Flyer Enterprises is the student-run business program at the University of Dayton. It is the fourth largest student-run business in the nation, with seven divisions and approximately 200 employees. The organization manages various retail, convenience, and food businesses on campus while also researching and planning for the establishment of new businesses. In order to most efficiently and effectively run its various on-campus ventures, as well as to demonstrate success to its Board of Directors, Flyer Enterprises relies heavily on financial analysis and reporting.
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Flyer Enterprises deployed Tableau in each of its seven divisions, resulting in a significant increase in the quality and effectiveness of its analytical reports. The organization was able to uncover several errors in previous reports that were not evident without Tableau’s powerful visual data analysis capabilities. Financial managers in each of the divisions now use Tableau to analyze real-time sales data by hour, menu item, location, etc., enabling them to make more informed business decisions and more effectively demonstrate financial success to Flyer Enterprise executives, its Board of Directors, and strategic venture partners. Due to Tableau’s intuitive nature and easily accessible on-demand training courses, Flyer Enterprises was able to significantly decrease time spent training employees on its analytical processes, enabling more people to benefit from Tableau.
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Significant increase in the quality and effectiveness of analytical reports
Uncovered several errors in previous reports
Enabled more informed business decisions
Analyses that used to take three or four hours now take 30 minutes
Saving approximately $300 per report created
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