Tableau Case Studies Tableau Delivers Rapid Analytics and Reporting for Marketing Automation Application
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Tableau Delivers Rapid Analytics and Reporting for Marketing Automation Application

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
Product Research & Development
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Data Science Services
Predicta, an online marketing intelligence services company, was facing a challenge with its product development and customer service. The company's developers were spending a significant amount of time creating filters, drill-downs, graphs, and other capabilities into the company’s product interfaces. This was diverting a large share of developmental resources from creating new features. Additionally, Predicta’s current analytical capabilities required technical knowledge, causing customer questions to be directed to IT instead of the analysts, further impacting IT’s productivity. Predicta recognized that it needed to improve reporting capabilities to enhance the customer experience and make the best use of resources.
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Predicta is a company that specializes in online marketing intelligence services. Founded in 1999, the company has developed proprietary solutions that include an ad serving platform and a Web analytics suite. These solutions allow online marketers to leverage the power of the Internet as a new marketing channel. Predicta's services are designed to provide insights and intelligence that can help marketers optimize their online marketing strategies and achieve better results.
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Predicta decided to implement Tableau as the main analysis and reporting solution. This decision was aimed at freeing up development and IT resources and making the customer experience significantly easier. With Tableau, Predicta developers were able to dedicate 70% more time to creating product-enhancing features. In addition, Predicta analysts and customers now have the ability to quickly explore data through easily customized visualization— something the old software couldn’t do. Visualizations that used to take 2 weeks now take only hours with Tableau. The analysts themselves can now generate more effective visualizations by leveraging expertise about specific customers’ needs that IT does not have.
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Predicta developers are now able to dedicate 70% more time to creating product-enhancing features.
Predicta analysts and customers now have the ability to quickly explore data through easily customized visualization.
Visualizations that used to take 2 weeks now take only hours with Tableau.
70% more time for developers to create product-enhancing features.
Reduction in time to create visualizations from 2 weeks to a few hours.
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