Case Studies SYSPRO Case Study: Lee Spring Gets More Bounce Per Ounce with SYSPRO
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SYSPRO Case Study: Lee Spring Gets More Bounce Per Ounce with SYSPRO

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Sales & Marketing
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
A dozen or so years ago, Lee’s extensive stock line of springs, expanding custom fabrication business and growing worldwide customer base forced the company to computerize its operations. However, when in 1999 Lee wanted to add Windows functionality and upgrade its system to support a greater number of concurrent users, the company was shocked to find that its computer software was no longer being supported. In fact, the software company from whom it purchased the system was no longer in business. “Suddenly, we found we had an orphan system,” says Mike Gisonda, Lee’s MIS Manager. “Our only alternative was to go for an entirely new system.”
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Lee Spring is a privately held, 80-year old company based in Brooklyn, New York. The company manufactures an extensive line of springs which it sells primarily to OEMs throughout the world. In fact, the company maintains a stock of more than 9,000 different springs, including compression, extension and tension springs, which are produced in five manufacturing plants located across the United States. Lee Spring also produces custom engineered springs for which it holds approximately 50,000 files, including full documentation and specifications. Today, Lee boasts a worldwide customer base that numbers more than 40,000 individual companies.
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Gisonda issued an RFP. One, submitted by Atlanta-based Edgeware, a SYSPRO reseller, was of particular interest to Gisonda. The proposal centered on SYSPRO enterprise business software, a modular system that would enable Gisonda to tailor the specific functionality needed by Lee from a variety of interactive manufacturing, accounting and distribution modules. Equally as appealing, the SYSPRO software suited both of Lee’s manufacturing environments – make to stock and build to order. Most importantly, the system’s pricing was competitive. Says Gisonda “SYSPRO was simply the best value for the fit.” After several demonstrations, Gisonda opted for a 96-user SYSPRO system. Gisonda insisted on a phased system implementation to “iron out any kinks in advance.” The approach proved to be more than justified when not one major problem surfaced when the system went live after several months.
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The system runs a daily MRP that indicates which stock items have fallen below required levels and automatically creates a stock replenishment requisition.
The system helps Lee determine the appropriate min/max inventory levels based on comprehensive sales records.
Sales staff can send orders to Lee headquarters in Brooklyn via phone, fax or email, and the system determines if the item ordered is stock or custom.
96-user SYSPRO system implemented.
Lee Spring maintains a stock of more than 9,000 different springs.
Lee Spring holds approximately 50,000 files for custom engineered springs.
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