CheckPoint Software Case Studies Swiss IT Service Provider Wagner AG Enhances Data Center Security with Check Point
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Swiss IT Service Provider Wagner AG Enhances Data Center Security with Check Point

CheckPoint Software
Networks & Connectivity - Gateways
National Security & Defense
Inventory Management
Tamper Detection
Wagner AG, a Swiss IT service provider, was faced with the challenge of strengthening threat prevention capabilities at two connected data centers. The company needed to improve visibility of the threat landscape, with consolidated monitoring and granular reporting. Additionally, they wanted to ensure smooth handling of customers by maintaining business continuity. The company was planning to build two new data centers, located 120kms apart with two 40GB connections, to accommodate growth and strengthen redundancy. However, they needed a solution that would provide advanced security protection while maximizing uptime.
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Wagner AG is an IT service provider based in Switzerland. The company specializes in outsourcing and consultancy services and caters to customers in a range of market sectors, including financial, food, and healthcare. Founded in 1996, Wagner AG has over 100 employees and provides managed IT services to corporate customers in Switzerland. The company's goal is to help businesses outsource their IT to a specialist, thereby reducing management complexity and stabilizing costs.
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Wagner AG chose to implement Check Point's Next Generation Security Gateway and R80.10 Security Management. The Security Gateway combines comprehensive security protection with data center grade hardware, ensuring high performance protection against advanced cyber-attacks. It offers unique ‘first time prevention’ for sophisticated zero-day attacks and is optimized for inspecting SSL encrypted traffic. Its centralized management control and Lights Out Management (LOM) improves serviceability and it is modular, allowing for expansion if necessary. The R80.10 Security Management provides fully integrated visibility and clearer security insights, allowing Wagner AG to create unified policies for all network and cloud environments, all managed centrally. The implementation was done manually, working through all the old rules, creating new ones, and cleaning things up.
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The implementation of Check Point's solutions has enabled Wagner AG to securely spread customer loads between two data centers. The company now has advanced threat protection and detection capabilities, identifying cybersecurity attacks in their infancy. The Check Point solution's cluster functionality fits well with other network components, providing a definite advantage. The company can now connect customers by geography while still retaining latency and redundancy. The documentation and Secure Knowledge on the Check Point site has also made it simple for Wagner AG to find answers to any technical questions, improving serviceability.
Two new data centers were established, located 120kms apart with two 40GB connections, providing room for growth and strengthening redundancy.
The two data centers now house around 50 Wagner AG customers, with up to 3,000 users and 5,000 different firewall objects.
The solution allows for scaling to support growth in managed services at both locations.
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