Case Studies
Suntory's Sustainable Supply Chain Management with Sedex
Suntory's Sustainable Supply Chain Management with SedexSedex |
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Identity & Authentication Management Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms | |
Logistics & Transportation Procurement | |
Inventory Management Supply Chain Visibility | |
Operational Impact
By joining Sedex, Suntory was able to level up their responsible sourcing programme quickly. The company was able to identify actualized risks and resolve current non-compliances at supplier sites in a timely manner. Suntory also defined risk areas for supplier sites, helping them monitor specific risks in their supply chain, and setting expectations for suppliers. The company worked with suppliers in a proactive manner to help them identify areas of improvement. As a result, Suntory has observed an increase in positive engagement from retailers and wholesalers since joining Sedex. Their responsible sourcing programme has helped Suntory demonstrate positive outcomes and enhance trust, with the improvement in supplier compliance correlating with supplier quality. | |
Quantitative Benefit
Suntory mapped over 1,000 supplier sites within their supply chain | |
Suntory has risk scores for over 850 sites | |
SMETA audit data for nearly 450 sites | |