Sedex Case Studies Suntory's Sustainable Supply Chain Management with Sedex
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Suntory's Sustainable Supply Chain Management with Sedex

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Suntory, a global beverage company, was facing challenges in managing its supply chain responsibly and sustainably. The company had a mission to create harmony with people and nature, which required sourcing more responsibly. However, the company was struggling with managing both reputational and actualized risks at supplier sites. Suntory was independently managing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) to mitigate supply chain-related risks. However, the company's global operations had different approaches to managing suppliers, with modern slavery legislation varying between the different countries Suntory operates within. Suntory recognized that to make a greater impact and deliver positive change for workers within their global supply chain, they needed to work within a broader framework.
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Suntory is a global beverage company with a diverse portfolio of brands including Ribena, Lucozade, Jim Beam bourbon whiskey, and premium Japanese whiskeys Hibiki, Yamazaki and Hakushu. The company operates in various regions around the world, each with its own unique approach to managing suppliers. Suntory is committed to creating harmony with people and nature, which is reflected in its mission to source more responsibly and sustainably. The company recognizes the importance of mitigating supply chain-related risks and is dedicated to improving working conditions at supplier sites.
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Suntory decided to join Sedex, a global membership organization dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global supply chains. Sedex provided Suntory with a common set of tools and standards to collaborate with suppliers and streamline the sharing of data. Suntory began working with their Sedex account manager to design a responsible sourcing strategy based on meeting immediate needs and identifying continuous improvement activities. Suntory used the Sedex Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) to manage supplier information, which was a significant upgrade from using a spreadsheet. The SAQ covered multiple risk topics and was aligned with the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI) base code and the SA8000 standard. Suntory's suppliers' responses directly related to risk scores, which Suntory used in policy and guideline making. Suntory also proactively engaged suppliers to provide constructive feedback on areas a supplier can improve.
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By joining Sedex, Suntory was able to level up their responsible sourcing programme quickly. The company was able to identify actualized risks and resolve current non-compliances at supplier sites in a timely manner. Suntory also defined risk areas for supplier sites, helping them monitor specific risks in their supply chain, and setting expectations for suppliers. The company worked with suppliers in a proactive manner to help them identify areas of improvement. As a result, Suntory has observed an increase in positive engagement from retailers and wholesalers since joining Sedex. Their responsible sourcing programme has helped Suntory demonstrate positive outcomes and enhance trust, with the improvement in supplier compliance correlating with supplier quality.
Suntory mapped over 1,000 supplier sites within their supply chain
Suntory has risk scores for over 850 sites
SMETA audit data for nearly 450 sites
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