Bizimply Case Studies Streamlining Workforce Management at Lucia Wine Bar with IoT
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Streamlining Workforce Management at Lucia Wine Bar with IoT

Food & Beverage
Human Resources
Sales & Marketing
Inventory Management
Personnel Tracking & Monitoring
System Integration
Lucia Wine Bar, a popular hospitality establishment with locations in York, Harrogate, and Beverly, was facing significant challenges in managing its workforce. The Operations Manager, Darioush Shahidi, was particularly concerned about the inefficiencies in the payroll process and the inaccuracies in recording staff hours. The absence of a formal clock-in process meant that staff had to manually write down their working hours, which were then manually entered into the system. This process was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors, leading to discrepancies between the actual and scheduled labour hours. These errors were proving costly for the business.
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Lucia Wine Bar is a renowned hospitality establishment with a strong presence in York, Harrogate, and Beverly. Known for its delicious flavours and beautiful interiors, the bar offers a temporary immersion into the Italian lifestyle. Whether customers are stopping by for nibbles and an aperitif or wish to fully indulge in classic Italian cuisine, Lucia Wine Bar has a range of menus featuring show-stopping dishes and world-class ingredients. The bar has over 200 employees across its four locations and has been a user of Bizimply workforce management software since 2020.
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To address these challenges, Darioush began researching workforce management software that could streamline the day-to-day operations of the business. He was looking for a solution that would provide better visibility over costs, improve HR management, streamline the management of staff holidays, and offer a secure, centralized location for storing employee documents. The solution came in the form of Bizimply, a cloud-based workforce management software. With Bizimply, Lucia Wine Bar was able to streamline its payroll process and gain greater control over its labour and sales data, leading to better business decisions. The software also allowed staff to book time off using the MyZimply App, eliminating errors in scheduling staff who had booked off or submitted unavailability requests. Furthermore, Bizimply provided a secure, cloud-based system for storing all employee documents, ensuring compliance and up-to-dateness.
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The implementation of Bizimply workforce management software has brought about significant operational improvements at Lucia Wine Bar. The streamlined payroll process has not only saved time but also improved accuracy in recording staff hours, reducing costly discrepancies. The software has also provided better visibility over costs, enabling the management to make more informed business decisions. The ability for staff to book time off using the MyZimply App has eliminated scheduling errors, leading to improved staff satisfaction. Furthermore, the secure, cloud-based system for storing employee documents has ensured compliance and up-to-dateness, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
Significant reduction in time spent on payroll processing
Improved accuracy in recording staff hours, reducing discrepancies between actual and scheduled labour hours
Better visibility over costs, leading to improved business decisions
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