Fishbowl Inventory Case Studies Streamlining Inventory Management: A Case Study on Green Beacon Brewing
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Streamlining Inventory Management: A Case Study on Green Beacon Brewing

Fishbowl Inventory
Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Sensors - Level Sensors
Logistics & Transportation
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Picking, Sorting & Positioning
System Integration
Green Beacon Brewing, a Queensland brewery and Brewpub, was facing significant challenges in managing its production, inventory, sales, and distribution across two manufacturing sites in Brisbane. The company was unable to accurately track its raw materials, leading to frequent over-ordering. The locations of finished goods were not clearly identified, and the costing of inventory was largely based on guesswork. Furthermore, distribution was a manual process heavily reliant on paper trails, making it inefficient and prone to errors. The company was in dire need of an inventory system that could address these issues and streamline its operations.
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Green Beacon Brewing is a proud Queensland brewery and Brewpub that believes in the journey of innovation. The company's mission is to create enjoyment while inspiring passion and loyalty. Quality, integrity, flavour, balance, and consistency are at the forefront of its operations. Green Beacon Brewing manufactures beer from two sites in Brisbane and distributes it throughout Australia. In 2019, the company was acquired by Asahi Group Holdings, a Japanese global beer, spirits, and soft drinks company. Despite the acquisition, the team continues to manage production with Fishbowl and SalesIn.
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Green Beacon Brewing turned to Fishbowl for a solution to its inventory management problems. The key factors that led to the selection of Fishbowl were its ease of use, suitability for the company's production methods, integration with the existing accounting system, local support, training, and cost. Fishbowl's solution enabled Green Beacon Brewing to streamline all of its processes, from production to sales and distribution. The system provided a clear view of the level of raw materials, preventing over-ordering. It also made the locations of finished goods evident and provided accurate costing of inventory. The manual, paper-based distribution process was replaced with a more efficient, automated system.
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The implementation of Fishbowl has brought about significant operational improvements for Green Beacon Brewing. The company now has a higher level of reassurance in its reporting, thanks to the improved visibility and accuracy provided by the system. The reporting on inventory, sales, and costing has been greatly enhanced, providing invaluable insights for decision-making. The streamlined processes have not only improved efficiency but also reduced the potential for errors. The success of the Fishbowl implementation is evident in the fact that the team continues to use the system even after the company's acquisition by Asahi Group Holdings.
Significant reduction in over-ordering of raw materials
Improved accuracy in inventory costing
Streamlined distribution process, reducing reliance on paper trails
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