Case Studies Streamlining Contractor Onboarding with Avetta’s Contractor Management Solutions
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Streamlining Contractor Onboarding with Avetta’s Contractor Management Solutions

Functional Applications - Enterprise Asset Management Systems (EAM)
Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Consumer Goods
Business Operation
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
System Integration
DECIEM faced two challenges in contractor management. First, their success in the market meant that they needed to transition into a larger manufacturing site. As a result, they began to use more contractors to help with renovations and larger production orders. On a second front, they faced the task of onboarding contractors overseas, which was a unique challenge in and of itself. While expanding, the company found it increasingly difficult to identify and source contractors for their facilities. Additionally, with a large number of new contractors required across their global operations, contractors across centers, the volume of documentation required for prequalification and standardization of processes was stifling the in-house teams and causing errors on various levels. In short, DECIEM realized the need to outsource its contractor management function to save time and resources, while also reducing the scope of errors considerably.
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DECIEM is a beauty and cosmetic products manufacturer headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Since its inception in 2013, the company has grown exponentially, now boasting five brands and over 50 products in the beauty segment. DECIEM has expanded its geographical presence to 30 markets globally. The company has a legacy of six years in the FMCG domain and has been successful in scaling its operations. However, with this growth came the challenge of onboarding certified vendors and solutions providers, especially in newly ventured Southeast Asian markets.
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Once on board, Avetta introduced their holistic contractor management solutions suite to satisfy DECIEM’s immediate needs. With 30 markets across the globe, DECIEM urgently needed contractors to be brought into the fold to optimize operational capacities while ensuring a seamless expansion. Avetta’s solutions included contractor prequalification to ensure that all compliance and regulatory requirements are met. Regular interactions with DECIEM were conducted to monitor progress and identify room for improvement. Avetta also tracked contractors’ delivery and updated documents accordingly. Thorough documentation of contractors’ skills and value propositions was maintained to ensure a streamlined process.
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Enhanced global outreach.
Thorough evaluation of contractor skills.
Accurate and streamlined documentation process.
Onboarding of 27 contractors across centers within the first 30 days.
32% increase in contractor count within the first month of solution implementation.
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