Altair Case Studies Streamlined Design for Improved Engine Performance by KTM Technologies GmbH
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Streamlined Design for Improved Engine Performance by KTM Technologies GmbH

Analytics & Modeling - Digital Twin / Simulation
Functional Applications - Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
Product Research & Development
Manufacturing Process Simulation
Transportation Simulation
KTM Technologies GmbH, a division of PIERER Mobility AG, was tasked with the challenge of improving the engine performance of the KTM 450 Factory Edition motorcycle. The specific goal was to expand the rpm range of the engine by designing a new type of rocker arm with lower inertia while maintaining or improving stiffness and deformation level. The challenge was to reduce the mass inertias of the moving masses to a minimum while meeting the component’s stiffness targets. This would allow the rpm to be maximized without leading to higher forces on the component, ensuring the part's durability performance. The structure and optimization group at KTM Technologies, which focuses on structural optimization of parts for various manufacturing methods, was given the responsibility of redesigning the rocker arm.
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KTM Technologies GmbH is a division of PIERER Mobility AG. The company has its main competences in the field of automotive, sports, general machinery, medical, and smart consumer applications. KTM Technologies focuses on concept and product development in lightweight design, composites, and electrics and electronics. Their simulation division employs static and dynamic structure simulation, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), manufacturing simulation, e-motor, and operating range simulation along with optimization. The structure and optimization group is primarily focused on structural optimization of parts for various manufacturing methods such as composite, forging or casting components, durability analysis, and multi-scale modeling of additively manufactured lattice structures.
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KTM Technologies used Altair HyperWorks™ to structurally optimize the design of the rocker arm while taking manufacturing constraints into account. They used Altair HyperMesh™ for preprocessing tasks, Altair OptiStruct™ for topology optimization and nonlinear finite element analysis, and Altair HyperView™ for postprocessing tasks. The team first defined the design space for the new geometry, applied forces on the component, and included other boundary conditions. They also added manufacturing constraints for forging to the model. Using OptiStruct, they conducted a topology optimization to define the ideal geometry of the redesigned part. The engineers then evaluated the deformation, contact pressure, static stress, durability, and the new mass in comparison to the existing design. The newly defined optimized geometry of the component led to a much more compact and more mass centering design, where the lower section became stronger.
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The new rocker arm design exceeded all set goals. The optimized geometry of the component led to a much more compact and more mass centering design, where the lower section became stronger. On the camshaft side of the rocker arm, the new version now had two arms instead of only one as in the previous design, enabling a more homogeneous contact pressure distribution, leading to less abrasion and a longer lifetime of the rocker arm. The component shows a much better durability safety factor. All improvements contribute to a higher rpm range, the basic intent of the redesign. The use of Altair tools in combination with KTM Technologies expert knowledge in structural mechanics, the engineers can now reach a new level in lightweight design and enable KTM and other third party customers to deliver high-end reliable products that meet all customer requirements.
Reduced component inertia by 15 percent
Reduced component mass by 21 percent
Improved stiffness by 14 percent
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