Bentley Case Studies Sterlite Power's Renewable Energy Solution for Remote India using Bentley's Digital Twin Technology
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Sterlite Power's Renewable Energy Solution for Remote India using Bentley's Digital Twin Technology

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sensors - Temperature Sensors
Electrical Grids
Renewable Energy
Product Research & Development
Construction Management
Digital Twin
Sterlite Power Transmission Limited was tasked with the NER-II Transmission Limited Project, a INR 1.95 billion renewable energy initiative aimed at serving over 30 million residents in India's most remote areas. The project involved developing transmission lines spanning 448 kilometers and constructing a 400-kilovolt/132 kilovolt substation in the state of Tripura. The substation was critical for delivering power to Tripura and needed to be completed quickly. However, the project faced several challenges. The geographical and environmental conditions were complex, with the project site located at the foothills of the Himalayas amid dense forest subject to heavy rains and flooding. The tight timeline and resistance from the indigenous population added to the complexity. Sterlite Power's traditional 2D design methods for substation planning had minimal data-sharing potential and did not support the design team's needs for detecting potential clearance problems between electrical components and support structures. Their conventional software had limited capability in terms of managing interdependencies and linking design, planning, and construction works. These inefficiencies posed enormous risks in the substation timeline, prolonging inspection, stakeholder approval, and handovers.
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Sterlite Power Transmission Limited is a leading global developer of India's energy transmission infrastructure projects. The company was awarded the NER-II Transmission Limited Project by the Ministry of Power as part of India's commitment to economic development in the northeast region and to renewable energy targets aimed at quickly reducing carbon emissions. The project was aimed at serving a population of over 30 million residents in India's most remote areas, aiming to improve reliability of the power supply, reduce intermittency, and accelerate the penetration of renewables in the northeast region. Sterlite Power's mission was to remove infrastructure bottlenecks and create a conducive environment for sustainable power supply.
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To overcome these challenges, Sterlite Power adopted digital twin technology and established an open, connected data environment using Bentley's OpenUtilities Substation and ProjectWise. This switch allowed them to establish a 3D collaborative modeling environment to streamline design workflows, facilitate accurate information sharing, and enable early clash detection among structures and equipment. They developed a digital component library that provided traceability and accountability for design, exporting these component models as symbols to develop the entire substation model layout and ensure proper connection among the equipment. This approach facilitated seamless and accurate information sharing among the team and stakeholders, helping to overcome the design challenges and secure permission from local authorities to lay the transmission lines. To further refine design and enhance construction planning, Sterlite Power adopted 4D BIM technology using SYNCHRO, performing real-time, virtual construction monitoring and simulation. This software allowed for robust planning, linking design and scheduling processes and then mapping all project activities to the 3D model for greater visibility into the project plan. The digital model helped visualize the impact of design changes, facilitating accurate, data-driven decisions and avoiding construction errors on site.
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The use of Bentley technology to digitalize workflows and establish a connected data platform based on ProjectWise resulted in significant operational benefits for Sterlite Power. The integrated modeling environment using OpenUtilities Substation enabled data-driven decisions and early clash detection, reducing rework. Real-time virtual construction monitoring with SYNCHRO enhanced project visibility, facilitating quick and informed decision-making. The digital twin solution resulted in paperless workflows, established traceability, minimized information loss, and enhanced collaboration among all stakeholders. By engaging with the community and local state authorities, Sterlite Power gained approval to lay the transmission lines, a breakthrough for the team as prior development projects failed to do so. The innovative use of Bentley’s cutting-edge technology solutions has set new industry benchmarks for sustainable energy solutions. Sterlite Power plans to extend BIM workflows to asset management and utilize the models for more efficient substation operations and maintenance.
Saved a total of INR 1.1 million in resource hours using ProjectWise
Reduced the project schedule by more than one month
Early clash detection with OpenUtilities Substation reduced rework and saved nearly INR 2.3 million
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