Case Studies STATISTICA Data Miner in the Telecommunication Industry: The German consulting company argonauten360° uses STATISTICA Data Miner to develop effective Product portfolios custom-tailored to their customers
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STATISTICA Data Miner in the Telecommunication Industry: The German consulting company argonauten360° uses STATISTICA Data Miner to develop effective Product portfolios custom-tailored to their customers

Analytics & Modeling - Data Mining
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Professional Service
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Demand Planning & Forecasting
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
argonauten360° faced the challenge of needing advanced analytic tools for client scoring, clustering, and life-time-value computations in the telecommunications industry. Each project presented unique data scenarios and analytic challenges, requiring a flexible and powerful toolset. Additionally, the solution needed to provide quick ROI, be easy to apply, and have a fast learning curve for analysts to quickly take ownership of advanced analytic procedures.
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argonauten360° is a German consulting group specializing in customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. They utilize Relevanz-Marketing® to create value through relevant dialogues with customers. The company works with a wide range of methods for interview and interactive marketing. Their client list includes prominent names such as BMW, Allianz, Deutsche Bank, Gerling, and Coca-Cola. As a leading consulting company in the telecommunications industry, argonauten360° applies advanced analytic technologies for client scoring, clustering, and life-time-value computations.
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argonauten360° adopted STATISTICA Data Miner by StatSoft, Inc., which provided the ideal combination of features to meet their requirements. The decision was unanimous despite competition from other data mining products. After 12 months of using STATISTICA Data Miner, the experience with StatSoft's service and support reinforced their choice. The solution was implemented as a complete turn-key system, allowing the Call-by-Call provider to predict and simulate optimal cellular rates with greater accuracy. The system will be further improved with a dashboard-like system for automatic comparison of predictions with observed data, ensuring dynamic market adjustments.
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The Call-by-Call provider can now predict demand for airtime with much greater accuracy in a highly price-sensitive and competitive market.
The provider enjoys a key competitive advantage by offering the 'correct' rates based on accurate demand forecasting.
The system was installed as a complete turn-key solution, requiring no additional analytic know-how from the provider.
The accuracy of prognoses improved significantly, cutting the error rate in half.
The analysis was based on data describing minute-by-minute phone traffic over a one-year period.
20 ensembles of models were estimated, each consisting of several regression functions and a self-learning ARIMA component.
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