Redis Case Studies Starlogik’s ‘Power of Free’ Connects Millions Using Redis Cloud
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Starlogik’s ‘Power of Free’ Connects Millions Using Redis Cloud

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Databases
Networks & Connectivity - Cellular
Finance & Insurance
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Traffic Monitoring
Transportation Simulation
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Starlogik, a company in the advanced telecommunications industry, launched its ZRO patented technology to help eradicate the global digital divide. This technology allows users with zero credit on their phones to make calls and seamlessly ping for a callback. However, after implementing this vision with a few African mobile carriers, Starlogik faced scalability challenges due to extremely high call volumes processing through their systems. They also lacked a reliable method to load, process, and efficiently store the massive amounts of data generated in an ongoing manner. The company needed a solution that could handle the high call volumes and data processing requirements without interrupting the flow of calls or data entry into its systems.
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Starlogik is a company in the advanced telecommunications industry that aims to eradicate the global digital divide. They have developed a patented technology, ZRO, which is a breakthrough in cellular switching that advances industry billing from prepaid to free. This technology allows users with zero credit on their phones to make calls and seamlessly ping for a callback. Starlogik's technology is particularly beneficial for prepaid users in emerging markets, 30% of whom have zero airtime balance on any given day and cannot make a call. The company's goal is to connect the unconnected, providing a new market demographic and untapped revenue streams for operators.
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Starlogik turned to Redis Cloud, a managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS), to address their scalability and data processing challenges. Initially, they used open-source Redis before migrating to Redis Cloud. The company set up a new cluster on Redis Cloud to serve as a short-term cache for heavy amounts of data. They also established an architecture to batch process the cached data to a data warehouse for further analysis. This setup allowed them to handle the high call volumes and data processing requirements without disrupting the flow of calls on the frontend of the app or the continuous data entry into its systems. The transition to Redis Cloud was seamless and completed in under 30 minutes, with Starlogik building an exact replica of its database from Amazon ElastiCache on Redis Cloud and directing its live traffic to this new cluster.
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The use of Redis Cloud has enabled Starlogik to efficiently and seamlessly scale its operations, handling high call volumes and data processing requirements on a single Redis cluster. This has opened up new market demographics and untapped revenue streams for operators, driving greater differentiation from competitors and fostering customer loyalty. The technology has also had a significant psychological impact on marginalized individuals who can now make phone calls without economic constraints. Starlogik's long-term goal is to plug as many carriers, on as many continents as possible, into this light cluster, demonstrating that there’s no need for a server room the size of a football field to connect the world.
Starlogik is now able to process over 100 million calls per day, often totaling thousands of calls per second.
The platform has been benchmarked at over 30,000 transactions per second per node.
Starlogik has over 170 million unique users to-date and has switched over 60 billion total connections and counting.
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