Bubble Group Case Studies Squads: A Social Fitness Discovery Platform Powered by Bubble
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Squads: A Social Fitness Discovery Platform Powered by Bubble

Bubble Group
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Middleware, SDKs & Libraries
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Healthcare & Hospitals
Product Research & Development
Sales & Marketing
Additive Manufacturing
Rapid Prototyping
System Integration
Testing & Certification
The Squads app was created to address the challenge of maintaining motivation for fitness and wellness activities. The founder, Phil Eligio, recognized that keeping fit and active can be difficult when attempted alone. The app was designed to connect people with shared interests and goals, thereby fostering a sense of community and mutual motivation. The challenge was not only to create a platform that could facilitate these connections, but also to empower professional fitness and wellness influencers to build and monetize their followings. The app needed to be user-friendly, engaging, and capable of integrating with third-party services to enhance its functionality.
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The primary users of the Squads app are individuals seeking to improve their overall health and wellness. These users range from casual fitness and wellness seekers to fanatics. The app also serves professional fitness and wellness influencers, including gyms, personal trainers, and fitness instructors, providing them with a platform to build and monetize their followings. The app is designed to appeal to a wide range of users, with the goal of helping people have a better quality of life through improved health and wellbeing.
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The Squads app was built using Bubble's no-code framework, which allowed for easy integration of third-party services and rapid development. Users are onboarded by answering a few questions to enrich their profile, which is then used to tailor their experience and recommendations. The app features an online chat functionality, allowing users to 'warm-up' to their Squad of potential event participants. Squads can create events for members to participate in, and members can access this information in a structured way and receive reminders to motivate participation. As the understanding of the userbase grows, the plan is to integrate layers of artificial intelligence to understand what drives users to engage, using this insight to present better recommendations. The app was soft-launched in September after a 6-week initial development period.
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The Squads app has been successful in connecting people with shared fitness and wellness goals, thereby fostering a sense of community and mutual motivation. The app has also empowered professional fitness and wellness influencers to build and monetize their followings. The use of Bubble's no-code framework has allowed for rapid development and easy integration of third-party services, enhancing the app's functionality. The app's acceptance into a Research & Development fellowship program is a testament to its innovative approach to social fitness discovery. The continuous improvement of the app based on user feedback ensures that it remains relevant and effective in meeting the needs of its users.
The app was developed and soft-launched within a 6-week period.
The app has been accepted into a Research & Development fellowship program to drive innovation in the local media industry.
The app is continuously being improved based on user feedback.
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