Domo Case Studies Spinach Empowers Employees with Domo
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Spinach Empowers Employees with Domo

Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Professional Service
Business Operation
Data Science Services
Spinach, a full-service agency, was facing a challenge of managing the increasing data input from its clients. The agency was looking for a tool that could help them collate and analyze information efficiently to find valuable insights. They wanted to ensure that their talented consultants weren’t being bogged down in tedious tasks. The agency was in need of better-quality data to predict advertising outcomes and real-time insight to increase productivity.
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Spinach is a full-service agency based in Melbourne, Australia. Founded in 1999, the agency has a unique structure and a simplified, proven process. They champion a new approach called Consentric ThinkingTM, combining media, data, analytics, technology, and creativity to drive business change and help their clients grow stronger. The agency has a high ratio of super-experienced individuals with diverse skills who get to the heart of a problem efficiently, analytically, and counterintuitively. They believe that clients need the best people working on their accounts.
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Spinach implemented Domo, a business management platform, across its entire client base. The platform allowed Spinach to integrate with integral sources, such as client data, media data, and layer it with research and other brand metrics. Domo helped Spinach turn huge volumes of different data sources into genuine insight for their clients. It also empowered people at all levels of seniority within the agency to look at the irrefutable facts in relation to a topic and improve fact-based decision making.
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Domo has freed Spinach’ employees from functional grunt work.
It has given them back the time to create the insights & strategy needed to make better decisions for their clients.
It’s elevated their level of consultancy, improved outcomes and let them confidently articulate the impact of their work.
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