Case Studies Space Solution Firm Hits Pay DIRTT with AppSheet
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Space Solution Firm Hits Pay DIRTT with AppSheet

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Functional Applications - Inventory Management Systems
Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Construction & Infrastructure
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Facility Management
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Predictive Maintenance
Remote Control
Warehouse Automation
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
DIRTT, a company specializing in interior construction, faced challenges in optimizing their internal operations and material tracking. Initially, dispatch coordination was managed through email, leading to inefficiencies and missed communications. Additionally, tracking customer-provided materials using Excel spreadsheets was cumbersome and prone to errors, as employees often forgot to make timely entries. These challenges highlighted the need for a more efficient and reliable system to manage internal operations and material tracking.
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DIRTT Environmental Solutions, headquartered in Calgary, specializes in designing, manufacturing, and installing fully customized prefabricated interiors. The company leverages proprietary 3D software, ICE®, to bring efficiencies to the construction process. DIRTT serves a diverse clientele, including corporate, government, education, and healthcare sectors, offering precise design, rapid lead times, and high levels of customization. With manufacturing facilities in Phoenix, Savannah, Kelowna, and Calgary, DIRTT supports over 100 partners across North America, the Middle East, and Asia. The company is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol 'DRT.'
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DIRTT adopted the AppSheet platform to address its operational challenges. Initially, they developed a dispatch app to streamline the coordination of project materials among their three Calgary facilities. The app provided real-time metrics, such as delivery frequency and size, enabling better resource alignment. Subsequently, DIRTT introduced a second AppSheet-powered app for tracking customer-provided materials. This app allowed employees to record materials using their mobile phones, eliminating the need for desktop entries and reducing errors. Employees could take pictures of items, print QR code labels, and scan them at various project stages to track materials accurately. Additionally, DIRTT created an internal marketplace app using AppSheet, allowing employees to buy, sell, or give away items efficiently. This app promoted reuse and supported charitable donations.
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The dispatch app improved coordination and provided valuable metrics, such as delivery frequency and size, enabling better resource alignment.
The material tracking app allowed employees to record customer-provided materials using their mobile phones, reducing errors and improving accuracy.
The internal marketplace app promoted reuse and supported charitable donations, enhancing employee engagement.
The dispatch app supported 20,000 deliveries since its introduction in 2016.
Approximately 50 employees use the material tracking app daily.
Around 200 employees use the internal marketplace app, with 20-25 listings within a month of its launch.
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