IBM Case Studies Southern Connecticut State University builds a transformative, student-centered educational culture
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Southern Connecticut State University builds a transformative, student-centered educational culture

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Business Operation
Human Resources
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Data Science Services
Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) was facing a challenge in attracting and retaining students. The university had previously run studies investigating student retention and graduation trends over time, but these studies focused on a very limited profile of each student. SCSU suspected that it was missing out on crucial information. The university wanted to challenge the established wisdom and look at the bigger picture when it came to understanding why students were not performing to their full potential. It also wanted to evaluate the different ways it can support students who are not thriving either academically or developmentally, and identify the intervention activities that actually work.
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Founded in 1893, Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) offers 114 graduate and undergraduate programs to a student body of approximately 11,000 people. More than 700 faculty and staff members lead students through a wide range of studies and research specialties. Universities in the United States are competing harder than ever to attract and retain students. For Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU), the aim was to become and remain its students’ first choice. SCSU had previously run studies investigating student retention and graduation trends over time, but these tended to focus on a very limited profile of each student. The university suspected that it was missing out on crucial information.
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SCSU set out to shift its focus: away from aspects that students cannot alter, such as ethnicity, gender and parental income; and towards factors that are amenable to change. The university set up a new first-year experience program that was intended to promote student engagement, improve students’ academic performance and boost retention rates. The study took into account students’ demographic characteristics, the results of two surveys administered during orientation, responses to a first year experience self-assessment administered during the first semester, and academic progress. The team resolved to scale up the program to the rest of SCSU’s student body, and created a longitudinal cohort study that would follow students throughout their time at the university. It found the answer in IBM Watson™ Analytics, a cognitive data discovery service available on the cloud.
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By leveraging the cognitive capabilities of Watson Analytics, the Office of Assessment and Planning was rapidly able to zero in on the factors that truly influence student performance and retention.
Armed with more accurate insights into the reasons behind students’ success, the Office of Assessment and Planning at SCSU is helping to ensure that decision-making is based on proven evidence rather than traditional beliefs—which it has often found to be inaccurate.
By influencing the conversations around student retention and engagement in this way, SCSU is putting successful initiatives into place that are already yielding positive results.
Boosts student retention and academic performance using cognitive analytics
Helps resources go further by targeting investment in the most effective interventions
Equips students with leading-edge analytical skills that are valuable in the job market
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